

前期 木曜日 2講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 対象学科・専攻/Departments: 情報基礎科学専攻、応用情報科学専攻. 学期/Term: 前期. 履修年度: 2024. 使用言語: [JE] 準英語開講科目:Lecture is basically given in Japanese, with additional explanations or material in English for foreign students..



授業題目/Class Subject

時系列解析論 / Time Series Analysis




This course aims to present the basic theory and practical applications of spectral analysis for time-series data. In the first half, lectures are given on the overview and the fundamental theory of spectrum analysis. In the second half, lectures are given on stochastic processes, their engineering applications, and time-series data analysis. The lecture goals will be achieved if students acquire the basics of utilizing spectrum analysis and time-series data analysis for their own research subjects.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


To acquire the basics of spectrum analysis and time-series data analysis, and to be able to utilize it for your own research subject.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class





1. スペクトル解析と時系列データ解析の全体像 (1)
2. スペクトル解析と時系列データ解析の全体像 (2)
3. スペクトル解析の数学的準備,フーリエ級数とその基本的性質,複素フーリエ級数
4. 離散フーリエ変換 (DFT),高速フーリエ変換 (FFT),折り返し周波数,エイリアシング
5. 離散データ,サンプリング定理(標本化定理),ナイキスト周波数,ナイキスト・レート
6. フーリエ積分,フーリエ変換,畳み込み
7. 窓関数,スペクトルの平滑化,アンチエイリアス,移動平均
8. 多次元正規分布:確率変数と確率ベクトル(二次モーメント確率変数)
9. 条件付き確率
10. 確率過程:定常性,エルゴード性,自己相関関数,パワースペクトル密度関数
11. ガウス過程回帰
12. カルマンフィルタと粒子フィルタ
13. 特異値分解によるデータ解析,回帰分析との関係
14. 学生による発表 (1)
15. 学生による発表 (2)



The course "Time Series Analysis" in Graduate School of Information Sciences (GSIS) is concurrently offered with the course "Spectral Analysis" in Civil Engineering department. All lecture materials and class-related information for "Time Series Analysis" will be posted in the Classroom for "Spectral Analysis" (NOT in the Classroom for "Time Series Analysis"). It should be noted, however, that students of GSIS must register (rishu-touroku) for “Time Series Analysis.”

Classroom Class Code of "Spectral Analysis": not yet fixed (to be announced when decided)
Classroom Class Code of "Time Series Analysis": not yet fixed (to be announced when decided)

*) Lecture format: Basically, face-to-face lectures will be given, but online lectures may be used depending on the situation. Access to the online class will be announced in Classroom.

The following contents will be provided in the lectures. The contents and lecture schedule are subject to change depending on the progress of lectures, school events, etc. In the case of rescheduling, it will be announced during the session time or on the bulletin board.

1. Overview of spectral analysis and time-series data analysis (1)
2. Overview of spectral analysis and time-series data analysis (2)
3. Mathematical preliminaries for spectral analysis; Fourier series; Complex Fourier series
4. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), Fast Fourier transform (FFT); Frequency folding; Aliasing
5. Discrete data; Sampling theorem; Nyquist frequency; Nyquist rate
6. Fourier integral; Fourier transform; Convolution
7. Window function; Smoothing of spectrum; Anti-aliasing; Moving average
8. Multivariate normal distribution: Random variables and vectors (Second-moment random variables)
9. Conditional probability
10. Random field: Ergodicity theorem, Auto-correlation function, Power-spectral density function
11. Gaussian process regression (GPR)
12. Kalman-filter and Particle filter
13. Data analysis by singular value decomposition, relationship with regression analysis
14. Student presentations (1)
15. Student presentations (2)

Note: In Units 8–13, exercises using the R language will be given for each unit.

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


Students are evaluated on their submitted assignments (almost every week) and individual presentation (once in the term).

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

  • 時系列解析入門 (Introduction to Time Series Analysis), 北川源四郎 (G. Kitagawa), 岩波書店 (Iwanami Shoten, Publishers) (2005) ISBN/ISSN: 9784000054553 資料種別:参考書 (reference book)
  • 新・地震動のスペクトル解析入門 (Introduction to Spectral Analysis for Earthquake Motion), 大崎順彦 (Y. Ohsaki), 鹿島出版会 (Kajima Institute Publishing) (1994) ISBN/ISSN: 9784306032705 資料種別:参考書 (reference book)
  • スペクトル解析 (Spectral Analysis), 日野幹雄 (M. Hino), 朝倉書店 (Asakura Publishing) (2010) ISBN/ISSN: 9784254121834 資料種別:参考書 (reference book)


災害科学国際研究所ホームページ (International Research Institute of Disaster Science): https://irides.tohoku.ac.jp/
土木工学専攻ホームページ (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering): https://www.civil.tohoku.ac.jp/




Students are required to prepare for class according to the goal and contents of each class. Assignments will be given almost every week. In addition to the assignments, students are required to make their individual presentation during the term. Therefore, self-directed learning is necessary to complete the assignments as well as to prepare for the individual presentation. Students are strongly expected to voluntarily develop a plan and goals and to undertake preparatory learning as well as assignments.




Questions are accepted at any time (after class, in particular). Students can email their questions.

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness


その他/In addition



Relationship with Other Courses and Prerequisites for Taking This Course:

Preliminary knowledge of numerical analysis and computer programming is required. Students are strongly recommended to take the following relevant courses provided for Civil Engineering students: "Numerical analysis." Students are also required to prepare a program developing environment on their own computer, since numerical computations are necessary to complete assignments. Students can use any computer programming language, mathematical software, and computer algebra systems when they work on assignments.

 これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認