

後期 木曜日 2講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 対象学科・専攻/Departments: 情報基礎科学専攻、システム情報科学専攻、人間社会情報科学専攻、応用情報科学専攻. 学期/Term: 後期. 履修年度: 2024. 使用言語: 講義はおもに日本語でおこない、英語の資料を併用します。 The course is given mainly in Japanese with lecture slides and material written in English..



授業題目/Class Subject

自然言語処理学 / Natural Language Processing



授業は対面での講義とオンラインでの講義があります。講義資料はGoogle Classroomにアップロードします。また、講義期間の後半に自然言語処理に関するプログラミング演習(対面を想定)を実施します。実施形態等の詳細は講義内でアナウンスするとともに、Google Classroomでも通知します。


Language is a key part of how we talk to each other every day. It helps us share our ideas and feelings, spread knowledge, and facilitates smooth conversations. It's also crucial for thinking about complex ideas. The unique aspect of language is how it can convey subtle meanings and evolve with new words.

In this lecture, we will learn about algorithms and data structures that enable computers to process the complexity of language with high precision. In programming exercises, we will tackle application tasks in natural language processing. It is assumed that participants are familiar with Python.

Course Format:
The course includes both in-person and online lectures. Lecture materials will be uploaded to Google Classroom. Additionally, in the latter half of the lecture period, we will conduct programming exercises related to natural language processing (assuming in-person participation). Details about the implementation and other information will be announced during lectures and also notified through Google Classroom.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


Understand the basic algorithms, data structures, and terminology related to natural language processing.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

1. 導入、Ngramと分類問題 / Introduction, Classification with n-gram
2. 系列ラベリングと品詞解析 / Sequence labeling and morphological analysis
3. 構造予測と構文解析 / Structured prediction and syntactic analysis
4. 系列変換と生成問題 / Sequence-to-sequence and generation
5. 計算意味論 (1) / Computational semantics (1)
6. 計算意味論 (2) / Computational semantics (2)
7. 計算語彙意味論 / Computational lexical semantics
8. 談話と語用論 / Computational discourse and Pragmatics
9. 最新の話題 (1) / Advanced topics (1)
10. 最新の話題 (2) / Advanced topics (2)
11. 〜15. プログラミング演習 / Programming project

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

40%: Exercises in classroom
60%: Final report (Programming project)

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

  • Speech and Language Processing (2nd Edition), Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin, Prentice-Hall (2008) ISBN/ISSN: 9780135041963 資料種別:reference
  • Natural Language Processing with Python, Steven Bird et al., Oreilly & Associates Inc. (2009) 資料種別:reference




It will be announced in class.

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