
日本社会史論 / Society History of Japan

後期 木曜日 2講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 佐藤 大介. 履修年度: 2024.


日本語 Lectures and Q&A sessions will be given in Japanese only.

授業題目/Class Subject


授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等/Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study(J)



授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等(E)/Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study

Outline of Lecture
In this lecture, we will focus on the political, social, cultural, environmental, and other issues that arose in individual communities during the Edo period (17th to mid-19th centuries) from various perspectives, and examine the historical background of these issues. In order to analyze these issues from a historiographical perspective, it is essential to decipher old documents, and basic training will be provided for this purpose. Through the above, students will deepen their understanding of the history of the Edo period.

Goals and Themes
To study the various historical events that developed in the local communities of the Japanese archipelago during the Edo period in relation to people's livelihoods and lifestyles through the reading of archives and other means.

授業計画/Contents and progress schedule of class(J)

1 江戸時代の地域に暮らす① 地域史を学ぶ意義
2 江戸時代の地域に暮らす② 開墾
3 江戸時代の地域に暮らす③ 耕地の維持
4 江戸時代の地域に暮らす④ 農業労働と土地利用
5 江戸時代の地域に暮らす⑤ 再開発と動機
6 江戸時代の地域に暮らす⑥ 山林の概要
7 江戸時代の地域に暮らす⑦ 山林利用の実態
8 江戸時代の地域に暮らす⑧ 屋敷林
9 江戸時代の地域に暮らす⑨ 漁業の概要
10 江戸時代の地域に暮らす⑩ サケ漁
11 江戸時代の地域に暮らす⑪ イワシ漁
12 江戸時代の地域に暮らす⑫ カツオ漁
13 江戸時代の地域に暮らす⑬ 災害と社会
14 江戸時代の地域に暮らす⑭ 災害対策
15 講義総括

授業計画(E)/Contents and progress schedule of class

1 Living in an Edo Period Region (1) Significance of Studying Local History
2 Living in the Region during the Edo Period (2) Cultivation of Land
3 Living in the Region during the Edo Period (3) Maintenance of arable land
4 Living in an Edo Period Region (4) Agricultural Labor and Land Use
5 Living in an Edo Period Region (5) Redevelopment and Motives
6 Living in the Region during the Edo Period (6) Overview of Forests
7 Living in the Region during the Edo Period (7) Actual Condition of Forest Utilization
8 Living in the Edo period (8) Household forests
9 Living in the Edo Period (9) Overview of the Fishing Industry
10 Living in the Edo period (10) Salmon fishing
11 Living in the Edo Period (11) Sardine Fishing
12 Living in the Edo period (12) Bonito fishing
13 Living in the Edo Period (14) Disaster and Society
14 Living in the Edo Period (14) Disaster Countermeasures
15 Lecture Summary
A short report will be required at the end of each topic.
  Contents are subject to change.

授業時間外学修/Self study(J)

講義の理解を助けるため、江戸時代の基礎的事項について『シリーズ 日本近世史』(岩波新書 全5冊)その他の書籍であらかじめ学んでおくこと。
Instructor can not communicate in English at all. This class hold only in Japanese .

授業時間外学修(E)/Self study

A certain level of Japanese language proficiency is required, as the course will involve reading original historical documents.
To assist in the understanding of the lecture, students are advised to study the basics of the Edo period in "Series: Nihon kansei shishi" (5 volumes) and other books.

成績評価方法及び基準/Record and evaluation method(J)


成績評価方法及び基準(E)/Record and evaluation method

Evaluation will be based on a short report and a summary report.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References


その他/In Addition

Basic knowledge of Japanese history at the level of a Japanese high school graduate is required. There will be no room for follow-up on this point during the lecture, so students who are unsure about their knowledge should study well in advance.

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