

後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC103. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): Jeremy Ryan September 所属:兵庫県立大学. 対象学部/Object: 国際学士コース(*). 開講期/Term: 2セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目基盤科目-社会科学. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZFS-ESO101E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.

メディア授業科目/Media Class Subjects

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

Social Entrepreneurship: An Introduction

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

"In this course students will receive a comprehensive overview of the field of social entrepreneurship. The course will combine theoretical knowledge and practical examples of social entrepreneurship. Students with a more practical interest will be encouraged to develop their own ideas and plans regarding potential social entrepreneurship projects. Thus, this course is designed for students who want to explore social enterprise start-ups, as well as those students who are just curious about the field and want to learn more about entrepreneurship.

This course also explores the role of Social Entrepreneurship as a lever for economic, social and sustainable development. The subject of Social Entrepreneurship overlaps with a number of fields including the nonprofit sphere, development projects, SMEs, community initiatives and others. This multiplicity will be reflected in the course contents."

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

"The study goals for this course are as follws:
1)For students to acquire foundational knowledge of social entrepreneurship theory.
2)For students to acquire a broad understanding of the operation of a social enterprise
3)For students to deepen their understanding by exploring their particular interests within this field through class discussion and assignments."

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

"Lesson 1: Background, Characteristics and Context of Social Entrepreneurship
Introduction to the course.
The evolution and historical background of social entrepreneurship.

Lesson 2: Social Entrepreneurship Defined
Define the central elements of social innovation.
Identify the different types of social innovation.

Lesson 3: Value Creation in social ventures
Define what the creation of value is.
Analyze the value proposition by social innovation

Lesson 4: Social Entrepreneurs and their Personality
Understand the role of personality in entrepreneurship studies.
Describe the current knowledge on the personality in social entrepreneurs.
Lesson 5: Human Resource Management and Volunteer Motivation
Understand the special characteristics of volunteers.
Illustrate the theoretical elements in a practical context.
Lesson 6: Collaborations and Partnerships
Focus: Explain the reasoning behind social venture partnerships
Discuss the collaborative value chain integration and specific types of collaboration.
Lesson 7: Business Models in Social Entrepreneurship
Explain what a business model is.
Explain the differences between business models of commercial enterprises and business models of social enterprises.

Lesson 8: Marketing a Social Enterprise
Generate an awareness of the characteristics of marketing in social enterprises
Understand a systematic approach to marketing in terms of a concerted marketing conception.

Lesson 9: Financing of Social Entrepreneurship
Describe the characteristics of the financing structure of social enterprises.
Explain the financing instruments available for social enterprises.
Explain the trade-off between social and financial return.

Lesson 1o: Performance Measurement and Social Entrepreneurship
Understand the origins of the current momentum in measuring social impact
Critically evaluate efforts to measure social impact

Lesson 11: Student Presentations: The first round of students’ group presentations

Lesson 12: Student presentations: The second round of students’ group presentations

Lesson 13: New Technologies and perspectives
An explanation of the most disruptive technologies being developed and their potential influence on social entrepreneurship

Lesson 14: Innovative Case Study
A description of a The Grassroots Economics Foundation in Kenya and their innovative work.
Lesson 15: Course Reflection - Students also have group discussions regarding their reflections of the course. "

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

Minute Papers: 40%
Group Presentations 30%
Final Essay 30% "

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • Social Entrepreneurship and Social Business , Christine K. VolkmannKim Oliver TokarskiKati Ernst, SpringerLink (2012) ISBN/ISSN: 9783834970930 資料種別:e-book
  • "Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship" , Luis Portales , Palgrave Macmillan (2019 ) ISBN/ISSN: 9783030134563 資料種別:e-book

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

The students will be provided with material and readings for each lecture. They will be expected to read in advance so as to contribute towards class discussion.

授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]

As this course will be an online course, students will need access to a computer

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