

前期 月曜日 3講時 その他 / 前期 月曜日 4講時 その他 / 前期 月曜日 5講時 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 串本 剛、他 所属:高度教養教育・学生支援機構. 対象学部/Object: 全. 開講期/Term: 1セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目基盤科目-学問論. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZFA-NAA101J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

メディア授業科目/Media Class Subjects

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

Introduction to Academic Learning

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


Introduction to Academic Learning (IAL) is a compulsory course for first-year students of all faculties. Rather than a lecture that unilaterally discusses 'what is academia,' it is a class that encourages students to discover this for themselves. Specifically, the course focuses on the aspect of academia that begins with 'intellectual curiosity leading to learning and questioning,' allowing students to recognize their own intellectual curiosities, place them in the context of academia and society, and plan their academic journey at the university. Through this course, students are encouraged to smoothly transition from high school to university, essentially a 'transformation of learning,' and to concretize early on the outlook of their studies and life at Tohoku University (what they want to study, how, and for what purpose at the university). This is also the first step in learning at the university.

The goal of the course is for students to acquire the basic academic qualities required in the bachelor's programs, regardless of their faculty. These basic qualities include: 1. Actively pursuing intellectual curiosity and cultivating a consciousness to connect it with society, 2. Concretizing the methods of learning and research at Tohoku University, and 3. Acquiring the skills necessary to collaboratively advance learning and research

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

1) 自らの知的好奇心を主体的に追求し続ける態度を培う
2) 東北大学での研究や大学での学修について理解する
3) 協同学習とアカデミックスキルの基本を習得する

1.Cultivate an attitude of actively and continuously pursuing one's own intellectual curiosity.
2.Understand research at Tohoku University and the process of academic study at the university.
3.Acquire the basics of collaborative learning and academic skills.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

第1回から第3回までは,全学生共通日程で進行し,様々な学問的刺激を受けることで,学生が自らの知的好奇心に気づく期間となる.それに対し, 第4回以降はAB日程に分かれて進行し,学問と大学,倫理,社会との関係を学び議論することで,未来社会を視野に入れ,知的好奇心を追求する展望を言語化する期間となる.

第1回* ガイダンス:スケジュールの詳細,授業のルール,成績評価方法などの説明
第2回* 教養教育院特別セミナー
第3回 「春セミ(Spring Seminar):先輩学生や社会人が「センセイ」となり,学生生活や学業・研究,課外活動の具体的な様子と,そこからの学びを共有

第4回 アカデミック・スキル(OD:オンデマンド教材)
第5回 アカデミック・スキル(演習):第4回のオンデマンド教材を前提とした演習/議論
第6回 学問と大学(OD):学問をする場としての「大学」を理解し,大学の一員として知的好奇心を追求する展望を得る
第7回 学問と大学(演習):第6回のオンデマンド教材を前提とした演習/議論
第8回 学問と倫理(OD):学問を修める上で求められる倫理や誠実さを理解し,学術共同体の一員として知的好奇心を追求する展望を得る
第9回 学問と倫理(演習):第8回のオンデマンド教材を前提とした演習/議論
第10回 学問と社会(OD):学問と社会との関係を理解し,社会の一員として知的好奇心を追求する展望を得る
第11回 学問と社会(演習):第10回のオンデマンド教材を前提とした演習/議論
第12回 東北大学での学問(OD):挑創カレッジや留学、「先輩の声」など、東北大学の教育資源を紹介する
第13回 あなたの学問(演習):学問論全体を総合し,東北大学での学問を展望する

From the first to the third session, the course progresses on a common schedule for all students, serving as a period for them to receive various academic stimuli and become aware of their intellectual curiosity. From the fourth session onward, the course splits into Schedule A and Schedule B, focusing on studying and discussing academia, the university, ethics, and their relationship with society. During this time, students articulate their perspective on pursuing intellectual curiosity with a view toward the future society.

■ Common Schedule: Realizing Intellectual Curiosity

Session 1: Guidance on the course schedule, rules, grading methods, etc.
Session 2: Special seminar by the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Session 3: "Spring Seminar" where senior students and professionals become 'Sensei' and share their experiences in student life, academics, research, and extracurricular activities.
*Sessions 1 and 2 allocate double class time (with additional on-demand material) to facilitate student interaction. As a result, the total number of sessions is 13 instead of 15.

■ Separate Schedule A/B (Below is Schedule A; Schedule B is in reverse order): Pursuing Intellectual Curiosity

Session 4: Academic Skills (On-Demand Material)
Session 5: Academic Skills (Exercise): Exercises/discussions based on the on-demand material from Session 4
Session 6: Academia and University (On-Demand): Understanding the university as a place of academia and gaining a perspective on pursuing intellectual curiosity as a member of the university
Session 7: Academia and University (Exercise): Exercises/discussions based on the on-demand material from Session 6
Session 8: Academia and Ethics (On-Demand): Understanding the ethics and integrity required in academia and gaining a perspective as a member of the academic community
Session 9: Academia and Ethics (Exercise): Exercises/discussions based on the on-demand material from Session 8
Session 10: Academia and Society (On-Demand): Understanding the relationship between academia and society and gaining a perspective as a member of society
Session 11: Academia and Society (Exercise): Exercises/discussions based on the on-demand material from Session 10
Session 12: Academia at Tohoku University (On-Demand): Introducing Tohoku University's educational resources like Challenge College, study abroad programs, and 'Seniors' Voices'
Session 13: Your Academia (Exercise): Integrating the entire course to envision academia at Tohoku University.

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


■Weekly Assignments (about 60%)
・Online Minute Papers
・Reflection Reports for exercise sessions
・Confirmation Tests for on-demand sessions
■Term Report (about 30%)
A task is assigned during guidance. Students attend classes with this task in mind and submit it by the deadline
・Midterm Report
・Final Report
■Regular Grades (about 10%)
Participation and attitude in face-to-face classes

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • あなたならどうする?[第2版], 東北大学, (2020) 資料種別:参考書
  • 東北大学レポート指南書[第4版], 東北大学, (2023) 資料種別:参考書



授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


Encourage self-directed learning and questioning about one's own curiosity.
This course is designed according to the “university credit system” which requires 90 hours of study for 2 credits.
In order for students to achieve the goals for this course, they are expected to study for about four hours a week, apart from classes and watching On-Demand materials

授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]


その他/In Addition

本授業では,学習支援システムとして,Google Classroomを使用する.また,オンデマンド授業も5回予定されている.詳細は,初回のガイダンス及びGoogle Classroomで確認すること.

In this course, we will use Google Classroom as a learning support system. There are five on-demand classes scheduled. Details will be confirmed during the first session's guidance and on Google Classroom.

 これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認