
168 件ヒット (0.023秒):

  •   重元素化学特論ⅠA / Chemistry of heavy elements  
      渡邉 雅之, 北辻 章浩, 佐藤 哲也  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    Understanding of the fundamentals of solution chemistry and nuclear chemistry of heavy elements such as actinides and super actinides.

  •   原子力化学工学特論 / Advanced Nuclear Chemical Engineering  
      桐島 陽, 秋山 大輔, 金 聖潤, 渡邉 雅之  

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    Chemistry plays a very important role in nuclear engineering, especially in the fabrication of nuclear fuels, reprocessing of spent nuclear fuels, and radioactive waste management. Also, there are many chemical engineering tasks in the field of decommissioning the severely damaged reactors by Fukushima NPP accident in 2011 and recovery of the contaminated environment. To respond to these demands, chemistry aspects in nuclear engineering and related basic chemistry concerning actinide elements are lectured in this class.

  •   無機分析化学概論A / Introduction to radiochemistry  
      木野 康志  
      後期 月曜日 2講時  



    Due to the discovery of radiation and nuclei and the development of quantum mechanics accompanying it, the structure of the atom which becomes the basis of chemistry became clear, and microscopic understanding of chemical bonding and chemical reaction became possible. Although the scale of energy and particle size is different for nucleus and atom/molecule, both of them are written in the same quantum mechanical finite multi-body system, and can often be understood with common concepts. In the lecture, the structure of nuclei, disintegration phenomenon, disintegration phenomenon, the influence of radiation on atomic molecules, the origins of elements intertwined with the historical background and recent topics will be explained clearly. The radiochemical experiments using non-sealed radioactive materials to be held in December will be explained

  •   原子核物理学特殊講義Ⅵ / Cluster correlation in atomic nuclei and its related topics in nucleosynthesis  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    Introduce experimental researches on the exploration of cluster states in nuclei using inelastic scattering and heavy-ion scattering, as well as the cosmic nucleosynthesis processes via cluster states. Additionally, introduce the detectors developed for these studies.

  •   無機化学ⅠA / Chemistry of the Elements in the Periodic Table  
      小室 貴士  
      後期 金曜日 1講時  


    In this course, students will learn basic principles of electronic states and chemical properties of main-group metals, non-metal elements, and transition metals, which are groups of elements classified based on the periodic table. This course will provide explanations of (1) periodic properties and classification of elements, (2) electron configurations and chemical properties of atoms in each element group, and (3) basic properties of compounds containing these elements.

  •   化学A  
      橋本 久子  
      前期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスB101  


    Chemistry is a science of substances. Understanding the structures and properties of atoms and molecules that constitute various substances as the basic units, not only leads to learning the essence of the substance itself, but also is indispensable for developing new substances and reaction schemes, to solve the global issues, such as resources, energy, and the environment. Here, the students will learn the classification and origin of substances, including the three states of matter, i.e., gas, liquid and solid and their macroscopic properties, based on the chemical bonding nature among atoms and molecules and the collective behavior of them.

  •   化学A  
      大下 慶次郎  
      前期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスB203  


    Chemistry is the study of materials. Understanding the structure and properties of atoms and molecules, which are the basic units that make up materials, will lead to the development of new medicines and the discovery of chemical reactions, in addition to understanding the nature of the materials themselves. In this class, we will begin with an explanation of the structure of atoms and explain how chemical bonds are formed in simple molecules.

  •   原子核物理学Ⅰ / Basics of nuclear physics  
      田村 裕和  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  



    It is known that the protons and neutrons that compose atomic nuclei are composite particles made of elementary particles called quarks. Although quarks cannot be extracted from protons and neutrons (hadrons) as single particles, it is believed that immediately after the creation of the universe by the Big Bang, the universe was in a quark gas state with quarks flying around freely. As the temperature dropped due to the expansion of the universe, quarks were confined in protons and neutrons, which formed light nuclei and then created atoms by clothing electrons. After that, gravity brought the atoms together to form stars, and heavier nuclei (i.e., heavier elements) were synthesized within the stars. Finally, supernova explosions and neutron star mergers produced even heavier nuclei and dispersed them throughout the universe to create the variety of elements that make up the matter in our present world. Understanding all these processes in a unified manner is a grand theme as the starting point of material science, and this is the mission of modern nuclear physics, i.e., the physics of quark many-body systems such as hadrons and nuclei governed by strong interaction.

      In this lecture, I will give an overview of nuclear physics starting from quarks along the history of matter evolution. The lecture will also touch on what kind of experimental facts have led to this understanding, and the state of the art of research (e.g., accelerator experiments to elucidate unknown matter in neutron stars).

  •   化学A  
      高石 慎也  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC106  


    Chemistry is a science of substances. Understanding the structures and properties of atoms and molecules that constitute various substances as the basic units, not only leads to learning the essence of the substance itself, but also is indispensable for developing new substances and reaction schemes, to solve the global issues, such as resources, energy, and the environment. Here, the students will learn the classification and origin of substances, including the three states of matter, i.e., gas, liquid and solid and their macroscopic properties, based on the chemical bonding nature among atoms and molecules and the collective behavior of them.

  •   化学A  
      佐藤 雄介  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA401  


    Chemistry is a science of substances. Understanding the structures and properties of atoms and molecules that constitute various substances as the basic units, not only leads to learning the essence of the substance itself, but also is indispensable for developing new substances and reaction schemes, to solve the global issues, such as resources, energy, and the environment. Here, the students will learn the classification and origin of substances, including the three states of matter, i.e., gas, liquid and solid and their macroscopic properties, based on the chemical bonding nature among atoms and molecules and the collective behavior of them.
