
36 件ヒット (0.02秒):

  •   物理化学概論D(AMC) / Principles of spectroscopic methods in physical chemistry  
      髙岡 毅  
      前期 木曜日 1講時  

    Starting from a lecture of the basic of spectroscopy,we try to survey modem spectroscopic methods used in physical chemistry.

    Gain the skill for the analysis of molecules,focusing on the understanding and application to the

    spectroscopic methods. We cover wide area of the spectroscopic methods,including optical absorprion/emission spectroscopy and magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

  •   物理化学概論D / Introduction to molecular spectroscopy and photochemistry  
      藤井 朱鳥  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    Molecular spectroscopy is highly important to explore microscopic structures of molecules and their dynamics. Molecular spectroscopy is also a direct application of quantum mechanics to molecular systems. In this course, the principles of molecular spectroscopy and their relation to molecular structure determination are presented. The principle of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and basic concepts of photochemistry are also involved in the course.

  •   構造化学  
      中林 孝和, 田原 進也  
      後期 金曜日 2講時 薬学部大講義室  


    This course provides students with basic knowledge of intermolecular interactions forming structures of biomolecules and the principles and concepts of a variety of spectroscopic methods for measuring biomolecular structures. The spectroscopic methods treated are X-ray diffraction, UV-Vis absorption, fluorescence, circular dichroism, IR, Raman, NMR, and ESR. Students are recommended to have finished "Physical Chemistry 1" and "Chemistry-A" before taking this course.

  •   原子分子物理学 / Atomic and Molecular Physics  
      岩井 伸一郎  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  












    The basic principles of light-matter interactions not only for atomic/molecular systems but also for solid materials will be discussed.

    In the former part, optical properties of atomic/molecular systems in terms of elementary electrodynamics, statistical physics , and quantum mechanics. Main subjects are shown below;

    ・Why is quantum mechanics necessary ?

    ・Electronic wavefunction and colors of matter

    ・Tight-binding theory (in solid state physics) and molecular orbital(in quantum chemistry)

    ・Electronic many body effect

    ・Spin-orbit interaction

    Then, in the latter part, advanced laser technologies such as extremely ultrashort laser pulse, frequency comb. terahertz wave etc... and their application to material science will be introduced.

  •   物理化学概論A(AMC) / Thermodynamics and statistical physics  
      米田 忠弘  
      前期 月曜日 2講時  

    In this course, we study thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and the properties of many-body systems at finite temperature. The course is intended for the understanding both of chemical physical phenomena appeared in material science. We will cover the classical thermodynamics, the relationship between the macroscopic phenomena and the microscopic properties (statistical mechanics), and the application of these ideas to the observed states of actual materials.

    In this course, we study thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and the properties of many-body systems at finite temperature. The course is intended for the understanding both of chemical physical phenomena appeared in material science. We will cover the classical thermodynamics, the relationship between the macroscopic phenomena and the microscopic properties (statistical mechanics), and the application of these ideas to the observed states of actual materials.

  •   回折・分光学特論 / Introduction to Diffractometry and Spectroscopy on Physics  
      虻川 匡司, 寺内 正己, 那波 和宏  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  

    結晶およびその表面の持つ対称性と構造と物性の関係を理解し,回折・分光実験からどのようにこれらの情報が得られるかを学んでもらう.特にX 線・中性子・電子線を用いた回折・分光実験について詳細に講義し,物質の静的構造と相転移現象がどのように観測できるかを理解して もらう.この分野に関するトピックスも紹介し,広く構造・物性に関して興味を持ってもらう.

    Purpose of this lecture is to learn about the relation between crystal symmetry, structure, and physical properties of materials and surfaces. To understand how to observe static as well as dynamic properties (especially phase transisions) of materials, the details about Diffractometry and Spectroscopy using x-ray, neutron, and electron will be explained in detail. Topics related to these fields will also be introduced.

  •   専門基礎化学Ⅰ(AMC) / Special Class in Basic ChemistryⅠ  
      南後 恵理子  
      前期 月曜日 2講時  


    In this lecture, we try to understand fundamentals of the quantum mechanics and quantum chemistry that are required for advanced chemistry courses. Starting with a lecture of the early quantum mechanics, we learn how to formulate the Schrödinger equation, which is the basic equation of quantum mechanics. The basic concept of wavefunctions ( = solutions of the Schrödinger equations) are presented to understand the wave nature of particles in atomic scale. Then the simple models for vibrational and rotational motions of molecules, and the electronic state of the hydrogen atom are treated quantum mechanically as the prototypes for more complex atoms and molecules.

  •   先端物理化学特論Ⅳ / Physical chemistry of liquid interfaces  
      森田 明弘  
      前期 月曜日 4講時  



    Liquid interfaces, including gas-liquid, liquid-liquid and solid-liquid, are ubiquitous in our life, and play important roles in a number of phenomena, such as vaporization, condensation, extraction, separation, sensing, electrochemical reactions, etc. This course deals with fundamental aspects of theory and measurements for liquid interfaces.

    This course is based on physical chemistry, particularly thermodynamics, in undergraduate level, and extend the physical chemistry to heterogeneous systems including interfaces. We further treat statistical mechanics, electrochemistry, spectroscopy and molecular simulation to explore the detailed structure and dynamics at liquid interfaces.

  •   先端化学・生物化学特殊講義ⅡA / Physical chemistry of liquid interfaces  
      森田 明弘  
      前期 月曜日 4講時  



    Liquid interfaces, including gas-liquid, liquid-liquid and solid-liquid, are ubiquitous in our life, and play important roles in a number of phenomena, such as vaporization, condensation, extraction, separation, sensing, electrochemical reactions, etc. This course deals with fundamental aspects of theory and measurements for liquid interfaces.

    This course is based on physical chemistry, particularly thermodynamics, in undergraduate level, and extend the physical chemistry to heterogeneous systems including interfaces. We further treat statistical mechanics, electrochemistry, spectroscopy and molecular simulation to explore the detailed structure and dynamics at liquid interfaces.

  •   物理化学概論B(AMC) / General Physical Chemistry B  
      組頭 広志  
      後期 月曜日 2講時  


    The course deals with the introduction to the principles of quantum mechanics and their application to chemical systems.Topics include the formalism and mahtematical tools of quantum mechanics; approximate methods; atomic structure; the chemical bond,valence bond; and molecular orbital theory.
