
51 件ヒット (0.017秒):

  •   宇宙論 / Cosmology  
      高橋 史宜  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    The evolution of the Universe after 1 second is described by the standard big bang cosmology. I will start with a brief reveiew of the general relativity and various solutions of the Einstein equation for a spatially homogeneous and isotropic Universe. After explaining the observational evidences supporting for the standard big bang cosmology, I will discuss inflationary Universe, if time permits.

  •   宇宙基礎物理学特論 / Cosmology  
      高橋 史宜  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    The evolution of the Universe after 1 second is described by the standard big bang cosmology. I will start with a brief reveiew of the general relativity and various solutions of the Einstein equation for a spatially homogeneous and isotropic Universe. After explaining the observational evidences supporting for the standard big bang cosmology, I will discuss inflationary Universe, if time permits.

  •   相対論的天体物理学特殊講義Ⅱ / Observational cosmology  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    With advances in observational technology and theory, cosmology has grown into "precision cosmology", where theoretical models of the universe can be rigorously tested with data. This lecture will provide an overview of the history of the universe from the beginning, inflation, to the formation of the various cosmic structures of the present day.

  •   宇宙創成物理学概論 / introductory course of physics for the universe  
      井上 邦雄  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  


    In order to unravel the history of the universe, we need to gather every knowledge of nuclear physics, particle physics, cosmology, general relativity and astronomy. We review the researches of these subjects also covering the latest development.

  •   素粒子物理学特殊講義Ⅸ / Dark Matter in Particle Physics  
      前期集中 その他 連講  



    Observations of galaxy rotation curves, gravitational lensing effects, and cosmic microwave background radiation indicate the existence of dark matter, which accounts for about 27% of the total mass-energy of the universe. Furthermore, cold dark matter plays an important role in the structure formation of the universe and is an indispensable component of the Standard Cosmology. On the other hand, dark matter candidates are not included in the Standard Model in particle physics, which suggests physics beyond the Standard Model.

    In this lecture, we discuss dark matter in particle physics. So far various dark matter models have been proposed, and in this lecture, we review their characteristics, theoretical motivations, and problems. Experimental search methods for major dark matter candidates will also be discussed. Through this lecture, the aim is to understand the connection between dark matter and physics beyond the Standard Model of elementary particles.

  •   銀河宇宙物理学Ⅰ / Formation and Evolution of Galaxies and Clusters  
      兒玉 忠恭  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  


    This lecture will describe optical, infrared, Submm, and radio views of formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. It will deliver fundamental properties of galaxies and clusters in general, and basic modelling of chemical and spectral evolution of galaxies, and tell how the physical properties can be derived from the observed data of distant galaxies. Based on those, many recent results including those from Subaru and ALMA will be presented and described to learn how galaxies and clusters are actually formed and evolved over the cosmic times and across various environments.

  •   素粒子・原子核物理学特別講義Ⅷ / Dark Matter in Particle Physics  
      前期集中 その他 連講  



    Observations of galaxy rotation curves, gravitational lensing effects, and cosmic microwave background radiation indicate the existence of dark matter, which accounts for about 27% of the total mass-energy of the universe. Furthermore, cold dark matter plays an important role in the structure formation of the universe and is an indispensable component of the Standard Cosmology. On the other hand, dark matter candidates are not included in the Standard Model in particle physics, which suggests physics beyond the Standard Model.

    In this lecture, we discuss dark matter in particle physics. So far various dark matter models have been proposed, and in this lecture, we review their characteristics, theoretical motivations, and problems. Experimental search methods for major dark matter candidates will also be discussed. Through this lecture, the aim is to understand the connection between dark matter and physics beyond the Standard Model of elementary particles.

  •   天文学特選F / Structure formation in the early universe  
      大向 一行  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    This course introduces basics of modern cosmology and structure formation in the early universe.

  •   相対論的天体物理学特論Ⅲ / Observational cosmology  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    With advances in observational technology and theory, cosmology has grown into "precision cosmology", where theoretical models of the universe can be rigorously tested with data. This lecture will provide an overview of the history of the universe from the beginning, inflation, to the formation of the various cosmic structures of the present day.

  •   相対論的天体物理学特論Ⅱ / Structure formation in the early universe  
      大向 一行  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    This course introduces basics of modern cosmology and structure formation in the early universe.
