
163 件ヒット (0.048秒):

  •   分子病理専門医トレーニング Molecular Pathology Training  
      古川 徹, 鈴木 貴  
      2024年5月 7日(火)~ 2025年3月22日(金) May. 7, 2024 – Mar. 21, 2025  
      毎週 火曜日 9:00~10:00 Every Tuesday 9:00~10:00  


    To learn basis and application of molecular pathology by participating in Journal club and research presentation with active discussion.

  •   病理腫瘍学トレーニング II Oncological Pathology Training 2  
      鈴木 貴, 古川 徹  
      2024年5月 7日(火)~ 2025年3月22日(金) May. 7, 2024 – Mar. 21, 2025  
      毎週 火曜日 9:00~10:00、11:00-12:00 木曜日 15:00-17:00 Every Tuesday 9:00~10:00, 11:00-12:00 Every Thursday 15:00-17:00  


    To learn basis and application of oncological pathology by active participating in research seminars and macro/microscopic histopathological diagnostic processes.

  •   病理腫瘍学トレーニングⅠ Oncological Pathology Training 1  
      鈴木 貴, 古川 徹  
      2024年4月 ~ 2025年3月 April, 2024 ~ March, 2025  
      毎週木曜日 9:00~11:00 Every Thursday 9:00-11:00  


    To learn basis and application of oncological pathology by active participating in research seminars and macro/microscopic histopathological diagnostic processes.

  •   臓器横断病理トレーニング Multi-organ Pathology Training  
      古川 徹, 鈴木 貴  
      2024年4月~ 2025年3月 April, 2024 ~ March, 2025  
      毎週 月曜日 9:00-11:30 Every Monday 9:00-11:30  


    To learn muti-organ pathology by active participating in macro/microscopic histopathological diagnostic processes.

  •   "基礎医学II Basic Medicine 2"  
      古川 徹  
      5月17日、6月7日、6月14日、6月21日 May 17; June 7; June 14; June 21.  
      5月17日(金):14:00~17:00 6月7日(金): 13:00~16:00 6月14日(金): 8:50~12:00 6月21日(金): 8:50~12:00 Friday, May 17:PM2:00-5:00 Friday, June 7: PM1:00-4:00 Friday, June 14: AM8:50-12:00 Friday, June 21: AM8:50-12:00  


    To learn pathogeneses of human diseases by studying alterations of molecules,structure and functions of cells and organs.

  •   臨床検査医科学セミナーII Seminar II on laboratory medicine and clinical science  
      鈴木 貴  
      2024年10月~2025年3月 October, 2024 ~ March, 2025  
      未定(各指導教授に問い合わせること) Asking your professor  


    Following "Seminar I on laboratory medicine and clinical science", this course aims to improve students' ability to develop skill to present your original data obtained from experiments. This course centered presentation by students themselves.

  •   "基礎医学II Basic Medicine 2"  
      古川 徹  
      5月17日、6月7日、6月14日、6月21日 May 17; June 7; June 14; June 21.  
      5月17日(金):14:00~17:00 6月7日(金): 13:00~16:00 6月14日(金): 8:50~12:00 6月21日(金): 8:50~12:00 Friday, May 17:PM2:00-5:00 Friday, June 7: PM1:00-4:00 Friday, June 14: AM8:50-12:00 Friday, June 21: AM8:50-12:00  


    To learn pathogeneses of human diseases by studying alterations of molecules,structure and functions of cells and organs.

  •   臨床検査医科学セミナーI Seminar I on laboratory medicine and clinical science  
      鈴木 貴  
      2024年4月~2024年9月 April,2024 ~ September, 2024  
      未定(各指導教授に問い合わせること) Asking your professor  


    This course aims to improve students' ability to obtain better understanding of your original data obtained from experiments in the field of laboratory medicine and clinical science.

  •   病理腫瘍学特論 ( Oncological Pathology)  
      古川 徹  
      ISTU【システム年度更新作業完了後~3月まで受講可能】 E-learning through the year  
      ISTU【毎日 24時間開講】 E-learning through the day  


    Learn general principle of the oncological pathology.

  •   病理学 Pathology  
      武田 賢  
      令和6年4月~令和6年9月 April,2024 ~ September, 2024  
      毎週月曜日 10:30~12:00 Every Monday, 10:30 ~ 12:00  


    Pathology is very important to obtain better understanding of human disease. In this course, I will summarize pathogenesis and histopathology of various diseases.
