
990 件ヒット (0.044秒):

  •   修士インターンシップ・キャリア実習B  
      猪股 歳之 所属:高度教養教育・学生支援機構 (キャリア支援センター)  
      後期前半 木曜日 5講時 その他  


    The purpose of this course is for students to participate in an internship while enrolled in the master's program, clarify their interests and future careers, and further enrich their student life and research efforts.

  •   修士インターンシップ・キャリア実習A  
      猪股 歳之 所属:高度教養教育・学生支援機構 (キャリア支援センター)  
      後期前半 木曜日 5講時 その他  


    The purpose of this course is for students to participate in an internship while enrolled in the master's program, clarify their interests and future careers, and further enrich their student life and research efforts.

  •   キャリア実習B  
      門間 由記子、猪股 歳之  
      後期前半 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA103  



    The purpose of this course is to deepen students' self-understanding and vocational understanding through actual "working" experience from the first grades, and to consolidate what you have learned through post-work experience, thereby clarifying your future careers and making your student life more fulfilling.

     The main career training programs approved for this course are programs that fall under "Type 2 Career Education" as defined by the "Industry-University Council on Employment and the Future of University Education," Keizai Doyukai internships, original class programs, and other programs exceeding 80 hours in length. The detailed schedule will be explained at the first orientation, so please be sure to attend.

  •   キャリア実習A  
      門間 由記子、猪股 歳之  
      後期前半 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA103  



    The purpose of this course is to deepen students' self-understanding and understanding of jobs through actual "working" experience from the first grades, and to consolidate what you have learned through post-work experience, thereby clarifying your future careers and making your student life more fulfilling.

     The main career practical training and internship programs approved for this course are under "Type 2 Career Education" as defined by the "Industry-University Council on Employment and the Future of University Education," Keizai Doyukai internships, original class programs, and other programs exceeding 40 hours in length. The detailed schedule will be explained at the first orientation, so please be sure to attend.

  •   経済実習Ⅱ  
      前期集中 その他 その他  


    This class will provide you with the chance to apply the theory and the knowledge which you have obtained at our school for the real community of the business, the non-profit, and the government sector. Through the practical internship experience you can understand the economic and management world profoundly and exercise your own personality and career development.

  •   インターンシップ  
      前期集中 その他 その他 経済学部第21演習室  


    This class will provide you with the chance to apply the theory and the knowledge which you have obtained at our school for the real community of the business, the non-profit, and the government sector. Through the practical internship experience you can understand the economic and management world profoundly and exercise your own personality and career development.

  •   経済実習Ⅰ  
      前期集中 その他 その他  


    This class will provide you with the chance to apply the theory and the knowledge which you have obtained at our school for the real community of the business, the non-profit, and the government sector. Through the practical internship experience you can understand the economic and management world profoundly and exercise your own personality and career development.

  •   インターンシップ  
      後期集中 その他 その他 経済学部第21演習室  


    This class will provide you with the chance to apply the theory and the knowledge which you have obtained at our school for the real community of the business, the non-profit, and the government sector. Through the practical internship experience you can understand the economic and management world profoundly and exercise your own personality and career development.

  •   キャリア実習準備講座  
      門間 由記子、猪股 歳之  
      前期前半 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA301  



    After graduating from University, you will spend much of your life "working. What is the purpose of working? This class aim for a smooth transition from "learning" to "working" by helping students to face "working," which they had previously considered vaguely, deepen their self-understanding and vocational understanding, and prepare for work experience such as career training.

    Various work and opportunities for dialogue with working person are provided so that students who want to enrich their student life, are unsure of their interests, or feel unsure of their career path after graduation can broaden their horizons. Note that the career training covered by this course is a program that falls under "Type 2 Career Education" as defined by the "Industry-University Council on Recruitment and the Future of University Education. Keizai Doyukai internships and class-specific programs will also be introduced in class. The detailed schedule will be explained at the first orientation, so please be sure to attend.

  •   経済実習Ⅰ  
      後期集中 その他 その他  


    This class will provide you with the chance to apply the theory and the knowledge which you have obtained at our school for the real community of the business, the non-profit, and the government sector. Through the practical internship experience you can understand the economic and management world profoundly and exercise your own personality and career development.
