
3528 件ヒット (0.048秒):

  •   現代物理のフロンティア  
      若林 裕助、他  
      前期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA307  


    /Physics is a field of research that attempts to understand natural phenomena in a unified manner based on simple fundamental laws. In modern society, this physics approach has been developed as an effective method not only in the natural sciences but also in the humanities and social sciences. In this lecture, the cutting edge of physics research on various natural phenomena will be introduced in an omnibus style.

  •   原子核物理学Ⅰ / Basics of nuclear physics  
      田村 裕和  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  



    It is known that the protons and neutrons that compose atomic nuclei are composite particles made of elementary particles called quarks. Although quarks cannot be extracted from protons and neutrons (hadrons) as single particles, it is believed that immediately after the creation of the universe by the Big Bang, the universe was in a quark gas state with quarks flying around freely. As the temperature dropped due to the expansion of the universe, quarks were confined in protons and neutrons, which formed light nuclei and then created atoms by clothing electrons. After that, gravity brought the atoms together to form stars, and heavier nuclei (i.e., heavier elements) were synthesized within the stars. Finally, supernova explosions and neutron star mergers produced even heavier nuclei and dispersed them throughout the universe to create the variety of elements that make up the matter in our present world. Understanding all these processes in a unified manner is a grand theme as the starting point of material science, and this is the mission of modern nuclear physics, i.e., the physics of quark many-body systems such as hadrons and nuclei governed by strong interaction.

      In this lecture, I will give an overview of nuclear physics starting from quarks along the history of matter evolution. The lecture will also touch on what kind of experimental facts have led to this understanding, and the state of the art of research (e.g., accelerator experiments to elucidate unknown matter in neutron stars).

  •   物理学の最前線と現代社会、そして未来社会  
      須藤 彰三  
      後期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA105  


    In recent years, physics has evolved significantly. The history and structure of the universe in which we live have been elucidated. Many of the cutting-edge science and technology that we are familiar with are based on physics. The purpose is to learn while discussing ways to understand the cutting-edge research content that gives humanity a dream and supports the foundation of society. To that end, in the first half, we are going to discuss and understand the purpose and outline of the basic subjects of physics. In the second half, we will all predict some cutting-edge research, social connections, and future society. Finally, think about your future vision. In this class, I would like to tell you what I felt from the dialogue with researchers who are currently supervising "The Frontier in Physics to Understand from the Basic Laws (Kyoritsu publishing co.)"

  •   物理学概論 / Invitation to Physical Science  
      田村 裕和  
      前期 火曜日 5講時  


    This course provides an overview of modern physical science. Thirteen lecturers in the Department of Physics, Department of Geophysics, and Department of Astronomy cover a wide area of physics including nuclear physics, particle physics, condensed matter physics, earth science, and astronomy.

  •   物理科学への招待 / Invitation to Physical Science  
      田村 裕和  
      前期 火曜日 5講時  


    This course provides an overview of modern physical science. Thirteen lecturers in the Department of Physics, Department of Geophysics, and Department of Astronomy cover a wide area of physics including nuclear physics, particle physics, condensed matter physics, earth science, and astronomy.

  •   宇宙創成物理学概論 / introductory course of physics for the universe  
      井上 邦雄  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  


    In order to unravel the history of the universe, we need to gather every knowledge of nuclear physics, particle physics, cosmology, general relativity and astronomy. We review the researches of these subjects also covering the latest development.

  •   素粒子物理学基礎 / Basic Course on Elementary Particle Physics  
      清水 格  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    Elementary particle physics is a discipline which explores the basic constituents of matter and their interactions to understand our universe. In this course, students will learn the basics of elementary particle physics, way of thinking, and experimental technique.

  •   学問論演習  
      中山 和則  
      後期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA304  


    Particle physics aims for revealing the law of the most microscopic world. Cosmology aims for revealing the phenomena in the most macroscopic world, the Universe. These two fields are closely related with each other. The purpose of this class is to understand this connection. In particular, I give importance to learning how to make an order-of-magnitude estimation on phenomena in extreme scales. Attendees are requested to first learn some basics things about relativity and quantum mechanics, and later give presentations on concrete topics.

  •   素粒子物理学特殊講義Ⅸ / Dark Matter in Particle Physics  
      前期集中 その他 連講  



    Observations of galaxy rotation curves, gravitational lensing effects, and cosmic microwave background radiation indicate the existence of dark matter, which accounts for about 27% of the total mass-energy of the universe. Furthermore, cold dark matter plays an important role in the structure formation of the universe and is an indispensable component of the Standard Cosmology. On the other hand, dark matter candidates are not included in the Standard Model in particle physics, which suggests physics beyond the Standard Model.

    In this lecture, we discuss dark matter in particle physics. So far various dark matter models have been proposed, and in this lecture, we review their characteristics, theoretical motivations, and problems. Experimental search methods for major dark matter candidates will also be discussed. Through this lecture, the aim is to understand the connection between dark matter and physics beyond the Standard Model of elementary particles.

  •   素粒子・原子核物理学特別講義Ⅷ / Dark Matter in Particle Physics  
      前期集中 その他 連講  



    Observations of galaxy rotation curves, gravitational lensing effects, and cosmic microwave background radiation indicate the existence of dark matter, which accounts for about 27% of the total mass-energy of the universe. Furthermore, cold dark matter plays an important role in the structure formation of the universe and is an indispensable component of the Standard Cosmology. On the other hand, dark matter candidates are not included in the Standard Model in particle physics, which suggests physics beyond the Standard Model.

    In this lecture, we discuss dark matter in particle physics. So far various dark matter models have been proposed, and in this lecture, we review their characteristics, theoretical motivations, and problems. Experimental search methods for major dark matter candidates will also be discussed. Through this lecture, the aim is to understand the connection between dark matter and physics beyond the Standard Model of elementary particles.
