

後期集中 その他 連講 薬学部医療薬学実習室. 単位数/Credit(s): 4. 担当教員/Instructor: 松本 洋太郎. セメスター/Semester: 8セメスター. 対象学科・専攻/Departments: 薬学科. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: YPH-PHA493J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.


主要授業科目/Essential Subjects

授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等 /Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study


Learn the knowledge, skills and attitudes that form the basis of the pharmacist's duties, such as dispensing, preparation, medication instruction, etc., in order to participate in the medical and health insurance business and open up the next generation.
This practice is done inside the university prior to pharmacy practice in hospital and in community.
The first half is the basic practice and the second half is the development practice with the clinical pharmacy exercise 2 (OSCE exercise) and the OSCE in between.
Mainly in accordance with the core education model core curriculum, in development practice, we add original contents of our university.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study




患者に安全・最適な薬物療法を提供するために、適切に患者情報を収集した上で、状態を正しく評価し、適切な医薬品情報を基に、個々の患者に適した薬物療法を 提案・実施・評価できる能力を修得する。


This training will comply with the "Model Core Curriculum for Pharmacy Education -2015 version" Based on a patient-oriented perspective, in order to become active as a pharmacist at clinical sites such as hospitals and pharmacies, the students need to acquire the basic matters necessary for practicing drug therapy and participating in team medicine and community health care.

(1) Fundamentals of Pharmacy Practice
In order to properly practice the activities required as a medical person, the students learn about the basic mental attitude and the basic flow of pharmacological management at clinical sites.

(2) Prescription Processing, Medication Preparation, and Dispensing
In order to safely and properly carry out dispensing work based on prescription, the students acquire basic dispensing work including supply and management of medicines.

(3) Practical Application of Pharmacotherapy
In order to provide safe and optimal medication therapy to patients, the students properly evaluate the medical conditions by appropriately gathering patient information, propose and apply medication therapy suitable for each patient based on appropriate medicinal information, and then evaluate applied medical therapy.

(4) Participation on Interprofessional Collaborative Work
In order to actively participate in team-centered team medicine in which multiple types of medical workers collaborate and cooperate in medical institutions and communities, the students understand the role and significance of multi-occupation in team medicine, share information, propose and practice better medical examination with other co-workers.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class



Basic training:
It aims to provide students with the confidence, skills and knowledge needed to efficiently and effectively carry out their responsibilities as trainee in the hospital and clinical pharmacy.

Learning outcomes
◎ Verify the legality, safety and appropriateness of prescription order.
◎ Prepare the medicines (powdered, liquid, tablet) in accordance with a prescription.
◎ Inspection that the quantities of medication are dispensed accurately.
◎ Listen to the patients, and understand their needs and what matters to them.
◎ Advise patients on the safe and effective use of their medicines and devices.

Advanced training:
Demonstrate the characteristics of a prospective professional pharmacist by learn a more specialized knowledge and techniques of the pharmaceutical care.
Acquire the ability to keep professionally throughout their careers with developments in medicine and pharmacy.
(Main contents: "Vital signs" "Side effects and physical assessment" "Informed consent" "Pathological analysis and case presentation" "Sterile preparation of anticancer drugs" "Radiopharmaceuticals" "Pharmaceutical management" "Danger prediction training" " Small group discussion ")

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


Grading will be decided based on class performance (50%), reports (20%), rubric (10%), and the quality of the student’s practical training performance (10%).

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

  • 病院・薬局実務実習 事前学習テキスト—実務実習モデル・コアカリキュラム対応 第2版, 薬学教育センター編, 評言社 (2010) 資料種別:教科書
  • OSCEビジュアルガイド, 薬学共用試験研究会監修, 薬ゼミ情報教育センター (2009) 資料種別:教科書
  • 第十四改訂調剤指針, 日本薬剤師会編, 薬事日報社 (2022) 資料種別:参考書
  • スタンダード薬学シリーズ 10 実務実習事前学習, 日本薬学会編, 東京化学同人 (2006) 資料種別:参考書
  • 第十八改正日本薬局方解説書, 廣川書店 (2021) 資料種別:参考書
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