

後期 月曜日 3講時 薬学部大講義室. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 古本 祥三, 船木 善仁. セメスター/Semester: 4セメスター. 対象学科・専攻/Departments: 全学科共通. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: YAL-PHA217J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects

授業の目的・概要及び達成方法等 /Object in Class subject and Object and summary of class and Goal of study


In this course, students systematically learn the fundamentals of radiation and radiopharmaceuticals as they relate to radiolabeled drugs used in life science research, drug discovery research, and medical diagnostics. Students will learn basic knowledge of the fundamental properties of radiation, measurement methods, applications to radiolabeled drugs, types and uses of radiopharmaceuticals, biological effects of radiation, and radiation safety. Students will also learn the fundamentals of nuclear medicine diagnostic procedures and internal radiation therapy using radiopharmaceuticals.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study


To understand the nature of radioactivity and the types and characteristics of radiation and their interaction with materials. To understand the principles and methods of radiation measurement in depth. Understand the types, characteristics, production methods, and labeling methods of radionuclides. To understand the use of radiopharmaceuticals as tracers in life science and drug discovery research. To understand the mechanism of medicinal use of radiopharmaceuticals. To understand the mechanisms of biological effects of radiation and its relation to radiation protection.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

1.原子核と放射能 Atomic nucleus and radioactivity
2.放射線と物質との相互作用(I) Interaction between radiation and materials (I)
3.放射線と物質との相互作用(II) Interaction between radiation and materials (II)
4.放射線測定法(I) Measurement of radiation (I)
5.放射線測定法(II) Measurement of radiation (II)
6.放射性核種の製造と標識化合物 Production of radionuclides and radiolabeled compounds
7.放射性医薬品(I) Radiopharmaceuticals (I)
8.放射性医薬品(II) Radiopharmaceuticals (II)
9.放射性医薬品(III) Radiopharmaceuticals (III)
10.放射性医薬品(IV) Radiopharmaceuticals (IV)
11.放射性物質の薬学領域への応用(I) The applicability to the pharmaceutical territory of the radioactive materials (I)
12.放射性物質の薬学領域への応用(II) The applicability to the pharmaceutical territory of the radioactive materials (II)
13.放射線の生体への影響(I) The effect of the radiation on human body (I)
14.放射線の生体への影響(II) The effect of the radiation on human body (II)
15.放射線の防護と管理 Radiation protection and safety control

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


Students are evaluated on a written examination (100%).

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

  • 新放射化学・放射性医薬品学 改訂第5版, 佐治英郎/向高弘/月本光俊 編集, 南江堂 資料種別:教科書

授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review


Preparation and review using textbooks and handouts.

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