
技術社会システム概論 / Introduction to Management Science and Technology

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 石田 修一. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 日本語.


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・[TB67013] 工学教育院特講(技術社会システム概論):g6yfsqf
・[TB67011] 技術マネジメント概論(技術社会システム概論):ithtyeg
・[TM80012300] 技術社会システム概論:4d2h7x2



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the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

Class code
・[TB67013] :g6yfsqf
・[TB67011] :ithtyeg
・[TM80012300] :4d2h7x2

While studying engineering research in the Faculty of Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering, it is helpful to look at society and take a broad view of technology. The situation surrounding the industries that the engineering field has supported is changing. The areas of activity of those who have studied engineering at university are also very different from those of the past, with unimaginable changes expected in the future. This lecture aims to expose engineering students from a wide range of majors to various ideas about the relationship between technology and society. Specifically, teachers related to the Department of Technological and Social Systems will give lectures in an omnibus format in the light of their respective research fields, not only in their specialised areas but also on the links with society.




There is no need to take other lectures as well as business management and social sciences.



4月8日 イントロダクション/技術経営の基礎
4月15日 企業買収による技術獲得
4月22日 電気自動車の歴史と今後の技術展開
5月13日 航空分野におけるリスクマネジメント
5月20日 日本のモノづくり産業のイノベーション活動
5月27日 情報ディスプレイの技術開発とその応用開拓
6月3日 情報システム開発における技術経営
6月10日 製品やサービスの創造プロセス
6月17日 MOTと利益挙動
6月24日 建設業へのAI・ICT ・Roboticsの適用
7月1日 日本の家電敗退の原因とその対策
7月8日 リスクの評価とマネジメント
7月22日 財務諸表をひも解き会社の戦略と強さを探る
7月29日 エビデンスに基づくスマートシティのデザインと分析
8月5日 都市・交通マネジメント 〜 風土・歴史・文化の観点から


(Content may be subject to change based on the instructor overseeing each session.)

4/8 Introduction to/Fundamentals of Technology Management
4/15 Technology Acquisition through Acquisitions
4/22 History of Electric Vehicles and Future Technological Developments
5/13 Risk Management in the Aviation Sector
5/20 Innovation Activities in the Japanese Manufacturing Industry
5/27 Technological Development of Information Displays and Pioneering their Application
6/3 Technology Management in Information Systems Development
6/10 Product and Service Creation Process
6/17 MOT and Profit Behaviour
6/24 Application of AI, ICT, and Robotics in the Construction Industry
7/1 Causes of Japan's Consumer Electronics Defeat and Countermeasures
7/8 Risk Assessment and Management
7/22 Unravelling the Financial Statements to Discover the Company's Strategy and Strength
7/29 Evidence-based Smart City Design and Analysis
8/5 Urban and Transport Management - From the Perspective of Climate, History, and Culture




Participants are advised to enhance their understanding beforehand by perusing pertinent books and papers.




After each session, students are mandated to furnish a 'summary of the class content' (approximately 400 words) and a 'personal reflection on the class content' (also approximately 400 words) in the form of a confirmation report within the week. This protocol serves as a means to assess the depth of comprehension attained. Notably, the summary of class content demands students to encapsulate the essence of the teacher's lecture slides in written prose, rather than resorting to mere bullet points. It is imperative to underscore that the confirmation report will be appraised in conjunction with the verification of attendance at each session, thus necessitating both attendance and report submission.



    この授業はオンラインで実施します。アドレスはGoogle Classroomを通じてお知らせします。
    Google Meetを使用するので毎回、入退室の正確な時間が教員に報告されます。

    実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

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