
空間情報解析 / Spatial Information Analysis

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 井上 亮. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 主に日本語 Japanese. Handout and brief explanation in English..


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This lecture covers the statistical analysis methods for spatial information. Spatial information is data that is related to spatial positions, and is useful information to understand the current status of cities and regions.
The spatial information is divided into three types: spatial point pattern data such as locations of facilities, observation data at certain locations such as temperature data, and aggregated data by certain spatial boundaries such as population of municipalities. These data types require different methods to analyze.
The purpose of lecture is to study the statistical analysis methods of spatial data in a comprehensive manner, considering their similarities and differences.

This lecture is the same as the one of the same title in the Graduate School of Information Sciences.
The class will be held in face-to-face classes.




Students are required to have mastered the basics of probability theory and statistics.


第 1 回 空間情報解析 概論

[I. 点事象の空間分布解析]
第 1-2 回 領域分割 [ボロノイ図・ドローネ三角網分割]
第 3 回 空間点過程のモデル [二項点過程・ポアソン点過程]
第 4 回 点分布パターンの解析 [カーネル密度・最近隣距離法・K 関数法]
第 5 回 点事象集積の検出 [多重検定問題・空間スキャン統計・FDR 制御法]
第 6 回 ネットワーク分析・時空間分析への拡張
第 7 回 点事象の空間分布解析に関する課題の発表

[II. 属性情報の空間分布解析]
第 8 回 空間的自己相関の統計量 [Join 統計量・Moran's I 統計量・LISA]
第 9 回 線形回帰モデルに関する予備知識 [OLS・最尤法・多重共線性・系列相関・分散不均一]
第 10 回 空間的自己相関のモデル(空間回帰モデル)[空間自己回帰モデル・空間誤差モデル]
第 11 回 空間的自己相関のモデル(空間過程モデル)[本質的定常性・二次定常性・セミバリオグラム・コバリオグラム]
第 12 回 空間予測・補間 [最良線形不偏予測・クリギング・共クリギング]
第 13 回 定常性を持たない空間情報の分析 [地理的加重回帰,固有ベクトル空間フィルタリング]
第 14 回 空間極値統計 [GEV, Max-Stable Process・Extremal Coefficient]
第 15 回 属性情報の空間分布解析に関する課題の発表,および,本講義のまとめ


1. Introduction

[I. Analysis of spatial point pattern]
1-2. Tessellation [Voronoi diagram, Delaunay Triangulation]
3. Models of spatial point process [Binomial point process, Poisson point process]
4. Analyses of point pattern [Kernel density estimation, Nearest distance analysis, K function]
5. Spatial cluster detection [Multiple testing problem, spatial scan statistics, FDR-controlling method]
6. Analysis of a multivariate process, a process on network, and a spatio-temporal process
7. Presentation on data analysis of spatial point pattern

[II. Analysis of spatial attributes]
8. Statistic of spatial autocorrelation [Join count statistics, Moran's I, LISA]
9. Basics of linear regression analysis [OLS, Maximum likelihood, Multicollinearity, Serial correlation]
10. Models of spatial autocorrelation (Spatial regression models) [SAR, SEM]
11. Models of spatial autocorrelation (Spatial process models) [intrinsic stationarity, second order stationarity, semi-variogram, covariogram]
12. Spatial prediction (interpolation) [Best Linear Unbiased Prediction, kriging, cokriging]
13. Analysis of spatial data without stationarity [Geographically Weighted Regression, Eigenvector Spatial Filtering]
14. Spatial Extremes [GEV, Max-Stable Process, Extremal Coefficient]
15. Presentation on data analysis of spatial attributes and summary of lecture




Students are required to prepare for the assigned part of the handouts for each class, to make a review, and to make spatial data analyses.




Students are evaluated on papers and presentations that report the results of spatial data analyses, and homework.


  • 空間データモデリング―空間統計学の応用 (データサイエンス・シリーズ) , 間瀬茂, 武田純, 共立出版 (2001) ISBN/ISSN: 432012006X 資料種別:参考書
  • 地球統計学, 地球統計学研究委員会 訳編, 森北出版 (2003) ISBN/ISSN: 462709521X 資料種別:参考書
  • 空間統計学: 自然科学から人文・社会科学まで (統計ライブラリー) , 瀬谷 創, 堤 盛人 , 朝倉書店 (2014) ISBN/ISSN: 4254128312 資料種別:参考書
  • Spatial Tessellations, Okabe, A., Boots, B., and Sugihara, K., Wiley (1992) ISBN/ISSN: 9780471986355 資料種別:Reference
  • Statistics for Spatial Data (Wiley Classics Library) Revised, Cressie, N., Wiley (2015) ISBN/ISSN: 9781119114611 資料種別:Reference
  • Handbook of Applied Spatial Analysis: Software Tools, Methods and Applications, Fischer, M.F. and Getis, A. Eds., Springer (2010) ISBN/ISSN: 364242452X 資料種別:Reference
  • Multivariate Geostatistics 3rd edition, Wackernagel, H., Springer (2010) ISBN/ISSN: 3642079113 資料種別:Reference




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