
計算塑性力学 / Computational Plasticity

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 山川 優樹, 齊木 功. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: [JE] 準英語開講科目:Lecture is basically given in Japanese, with additional explanations or material in English for foreign students..


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https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

This course aims to learn the fundamental theory of constitutive equations for various solid materials, with a focus on elasticity, plasticity, and other classes of inelasticity. Numerical formulation and implementation for various types of constitutive models are also addressed, which are necessary for nonlinear finite element analysis of solids and structures. Starting from a review of the basics of continuum mechanics, the topics of this course encompass an introduction to one-dimensional model for plasticity, generalization to three-dimensional constitutive theory, and then specific plasticity models for various engineering materials, such as metals, geomaterials, rocks, and concretes. The main focus is placed on the constitutive theory within the small-strain framework, while the latter part of the course will be devoted to the advanced theory for finite-strain elastoplasticity.




Preliminary knowledge on the mechanics of materials, solid mechanics, and structural analysis are required. Basic skills in numerical calculation and computer programming are also necessary. Students are therefore recommended to take the following relevant courses provided for Civil Engineering students in the first semester: “Continuum Mechanics”, “Computational Solid Mechanics”, “Computational Soil Mechanics”, and “Numerical Analysis”, as well as in the second semester: “Nonlinear Structural Analysis.” Students are also required to prepare a program developing environment on their own computer, since numerical calculations are necessary to complete assignments. Students can use any computer programming language, mathematical software, and computer algebra systems when they work on assignments.



1. 一次元弾塑性モデル (1)
2. 一次元弾塑性モデル (2)
3. 一次元弾塑性モデルの計算アルゴリズム (1):時間離散化による増分形式の導出,弾性予測子/リターンマッピングアルゴリズム
4. 一次元弾塑性モデルの計算アルゴリズム (2):数値解析演習
5. 連続体力学の復習 (1):有限変形の運動学
6. 連続体力学の復習 (2):変形・ひずみ・変形速度テンソル
7. 連続体力学の復習 (3):応力・応力速度テンソル,テンソルの客観性,テンソルの不変量
8. 弾塑性構成則の基本的枠組み (1):1次元弾塑性モデル
9. 弾塑性構成則の基本的枠組み (2):1次元モデルから3次元モデルへ
10. 弾塑性構成則の基本的枠組み (3):さまざまな塑性モデル
11. 各種の非弾性構成則:粘塑性構成則,連続体損傷モデル
12. 三次元弾塑性モデルの計算アルゴリズム:時間離散化による増分形式の導出,弾性予測子/リターンマッピング
13. 有限変形の弾性・弾塑性構成則:亜弾性,超弾性,変形勾配テンソルの乗算分解
14. 有限変形の弾性・弾塑性構成モデルの計算アルゴリズム:亜弾性構成則の時間積分,弾性予測子/リターンマッピング
15. 予備日


The class schedule is as follows, but is subject to change depending on lecture progress and school events. Any changes will be announced during class hours or within Google Classroom.

1. One-dimensional elastoplasticity (1)
2. One-dimensional elastoplasticity (2)
3. Numerical algorithm for one-dimensional elastoplasticity (1): Time-discretization and incremental form; Elastic predictor/return-mapping algorithm
4. Numerical algorithm for one-dimensional elastoplasticity (2): Exercises in numerical analysis
5. Review of continuum mechanics (1): Kinematics of large deformation
6. Review of continuum mechanics (2): ; Deformation, strain, and strain rate tensors
7. Review of continuum mechanics (3): Stress and stress rate tensors; Objectivity of tensors; Invariants of tensors
8. Fundamental framework of elastoplastic constitutive law (1): One-dimensional model
9. Fundamental framework of elastoplastic constitutive law (2): Generalization to three-dimensional model
10. Fundamental framework of elastoplastic constitutive law (3): Various plasticity models
11. Various inelastic constitutive laws: Viscoplastic model; Continuum damage model
12. Numerical algorithm for three-dimensional elastoplasticity: Time-discretization; Derivation of incremental form; Elastic predictor/return-mapping algorithms
13. Elastic and elastoplastic constitutive laws for finite strain: Hypoelasticity; Hyperelasticity; Multiplicative decomposition of deformation gradient tensor
14. Numerical algorithm for elasticity and elastoplasticity at finite strain: Time-integration of hypoelastic models; Elastic predictor/return-mapping algorithms
15. Supplemental




Students are required to prepare for class according to the goal and contents of each class. Assignments will be given almost every week. Self-directed learning is therefore necessary to complete the assignments. Students are strongly expected to voluntarily develop their own plan and goals and to undertake preparatory learning as well as thorough review, along with completing assignments.




Grades are determined on the basis of the status of assignment submission.


  • 非線形有限要素法―弾塑性解析の理論と実践, 寺田 賢二郎(監訳), 森北出版 (2012) ISBN/ISSN: 9784627920217 資料種別:参考書 (reference book)
  • 非線形有限要素法のための連続体力学(第2版), Javier Bonet (著), Richard D. Wood (著), 吉田 純司 (翻訳), 寺嶋 隆史 (翻訳), 生出 佳 (翻訳), 非線形CAE協会 (翻訳), 森北出版 (2017) ISBN/ISSN: 9784627675124 資料種別:参考書 (reference book)
  • よくわかる連続体力学ノート, 京谷 孝史, 森北出版 (2008) ISBN/ISSN: 9784627948112 資料種別:参考書 (reference book)
  • Computational Methods for Plasticity: Theory and Applications, Eduardo A. de Souza Neto, Djordje Perić, David R. J. Owen, Wiley (2008) ISBN/ISSN: 9780470694527 資料種別:参考書 (reference book)
  • Nonlinear Solid Mechanics for Finite Element Analysis: Statics, Javier Bonet, Antonio J. Gil, Richard D. Wood, Cambridge University Press (2016) ISBN/ISSN: 9781107115798 資料種別:参考書 (reference book)
  • Computational Inelasticity (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics), J.C. Simo, T.J.R. Hughes, Springer (1998) ISBN/ISSN: 9780387975207 資料種別:参考書 (reference book)
  • Introduction to Finite Strain Theory for Continuum Elasto-Plasticity (Wiley Series in Computational Mechanics), Koichi Hashiguchi, Yuki Yamakawa, John Wiley & Sons Inc. (2012) ISBN/ISSN: 9781119951858 資料種別:参考書 (reference book)


土木工学専攻ホームページ (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering): https://www.civil.tohoku.ac.jp/


質問は原則として授業後に受け付けるが,随時,メールやGoogle Classroomによる質問も受け付ける.


Questions can be asked at any time (especially after class), via email or Google Classroom.

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