
格子欠陥論 / Lattice Defects Theory

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 吉見 享祐, 関戸 信彰. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: English.


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1. Purpose
You understand the crystallographic, mechanical, and thermodynamic basics for point defects and dislocations in crystalline materials.
2. Brief overview
The properties of crystalline materials are closely related to the types of point defects and dislocations, as well as their concentrations and densities. Therefore, you will study the basic theory for more quantitatively understanding the relationship between the properties of these crystalline materials and lattice defects.
3. Achievement target etc.
You will deepen your understanding of the theory by carefully reading well-known textbooks on lattice defect theory, and develop the ability to consider crystalline material properties theoretically by yourself by solving exercises every week.




Desirable to complete material strength and structural materials in the undergraduate course. Basic knowledge of metallography, thermodynamics, phase transformation theory, and crystal diffraction is required, and taking these subjects is recommended.


第1回 剛体球モデルと点欠陥(吉見教授)
第2回 点欠陥による格子ひずみ(吉見教授)
第3回 点欠陥と転位の相互作用(吉見教授)
第4回 原子サイズ因子とKing Table(吉見教授)
第5回 点欠陥による弾性場とミスフィット(吉見教授)
第6回 熱平衡で存在する点欠陥(吉見教授)
第7回 点欠陥の化学平衡濃度(吉見教授)
第8回 点欠陥の移動と拡散現象(吉見教授)
第9回 拡散パラメータの測定法(吉見教授)
第10回 転位論の弾性論(関戸准教授)
第11回 転位論の運動力学1(関戸准教授)
第12回 転位論の運動力学2(関戸准教授)
第13回 塑性変形の転位論1(関戸准教授)
第14回 塑性変形の転位論1(関戸准教授)
第15回 総括(吉見教授,関戸准教授)


!st - Hard sphere model and point defects (Prof. Yoshimi)
2nd - Lattice strain due to point defects (Prof. Yoshimi)
3rd - Interaction between point defects and dislocations (Prof. Yoshimi)
4th - Atomic size factors and King table (Prof. Yoshimi)
5th - Elastic field and misfit by point defects (Prof. Yoshimi)
6th - Point defects in thermal equilibrium (Prof. Yoshimi)
7th - Chemical equilibrium concentration of point defects (Prof. Yoshimi)
8th - Movement and diffusion phenomena of point defects (Prof. Yoshimi)
9th - Diffusion parameter measurement method (Prof. Yoshimi)
10th - Elastic theory of dislocation theory (Prof. Sekido)
11th - Kinetics of dislocation theory 1 (Prof. Sekido)
12th - Kinetics of dislocation theory 2 (Prof. Sekido)
13th - Dislocation theory for plastic deformation 1 (Prof. Sekido)
14th - Dislocation theory for plastic deformation 2 (Prof. Sekido)
15th - Summary




Preparation and reviewing of the fundamentals described in the textbook are requested for each class. In addition, exercises will be given in each class. The exercises are to be submitted as a report after class.




The grade is comprehensively evaluated based on a mid-term exam, the semester exam, reports on exercises, etc. However, the evaluation method may be changed due to special reasons such as the spread of the COVID-19 infection.


  • Imperfections in Crystalline Solids, Wei Cai and William D. Nix, Cambridge University Press (2016) ISBN/ISSN: 9781107123137
  • THEORY OF DISLOCATIONS, Peter M. Anderson, John P. Hirth, Jens Lothe, Cambridge University Press (2017) ISBN/ISSN: 9780521864367
  • 結晶欠陥の物理, 前田康二, 竹内伸, 裳華房 (2011) ISBN/ISSN: 9784785329174
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