
製錬・精製の熱力学 / Thermodynamics of Smelting & Refining

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 柴田 浩幸, 植田 滋, 朱 鴻民, 助永 壮平, 三木 貴博. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 日本語、英語 [Japanese & English].


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Thermodynamics is one of the most important subject for the production process of steel nonferrous metals and new materials In this lecture, the fundamentals which have already studied are applied to analyses the actual smelting and refining process.
Initially, multicomponent phase-equilibrium, phase analysis and reaction pass, electrical chemistry, potential diagram, structure and physical properties of liquid and solution model are explained. After them, the analyses of actual process by thermodynamics are explained for iron & steelmaking, smelting of Cu, Zn, Pb and rare metals. For the deep understanding, some example is calculated as exercise.

This lecture is given by both a physical lecture and on line style.
Class code of class room is "u45db7i ".



・素材製造の基礎 と溶液論
第1回 4/8 ガイダンス(三木)
第2回 4/15 素材製造の化学熱力学1 多成分系相平衡の基礎 (三木)
第3回 4/22 素材製造の化学熱力学2 多成分系相平衡の応用 (三木)
第4回 5/2 素材製造の化学熱力学3 反応パスと相解析 (三木)
第5回 5/13 融体物性の物性と構造   (柴田)
第6回 5/20 融体物性の測定法     (柴田)
第7回 5/27 素材製造の電気化学 (朱)
第8回 6/3  融体・溶液と熱力学(1) (朱)
第9回 6/10 融体・溶液の熱力学(2) (朱)
第10回 6/17 非鉄製錬の化学I(銅)     (植田・助永)
第11回 6/24 非鉄製錬の化学II(亜鉛・鉛)   (植田・助永)
第12回 7/1  製銑プロセス (植田・助永)
第13回 7/8 製鋼プロセスI (植田・助永)
第14回 7/22 製鋼プロセスII(植田・助永)
第15回 7/29 試験


Schedule of lecture 2024

Fundamentals of smelting and refining process, solution theory
1st 8 Apr. Guidance
2nd 15 Apr. Thermodynamics of materials production 1. Fundamentals of phase equilibrium in multicomponent system. (Miki)
3rd 22 Apr. Thermodynamics of materials production 2. Application of phase equilibrium in multicomponent system. (Miki)
4th 2 May Thermodynamics of materials production 3. Reaction pass and phase analysis. (Miki)
5th 13 May Structure and physical properties of liquid solution (Shibata)
6th 20 May Measurement of physical properties of liquid (Shibata)
7th 27 May Electrical chemistry of materials production (Zhu)
8th 3 Jun. Thermodynamics of liquid solution -1 (Zhu)
9th 10 Jun. Thermodynamics of liquid solution -2 (Zhu)

Application to the smelting and refining of metals
10th 17 Jun. Application to the non-ferrous metallurgy 1 Cu (Ueda, Sukenaga)
11th 24 Jun. Application to the non-ferrous metallurgy 2 Zn, Pb (Ueda, Sukenaga)
12th 1 Jul. Application to the ironmaking (Ueda, Sukenaga)
13th 8 Jul. Application to the steelmaking1 (Ueda, Sukenaga)
14th 22 Jul. Application to the steelmaking2 (Ueda, Sukenaga)
15th 29 Jul. Exam




It is important for students to read the refences which are shown during the lecture.




Evaluated by attendance status and the result of report and the examination.


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