
材料プロセス工学 / Material Process Engineering

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 長尾 大輔, 菅 恵嗣. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 日本語/英語 J/E.


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ

1. 目的
2. 概要
3. 達成方法等
3-1. 高次構造や相構造制御のための基本的な材料プロセシングを説明することができる。
3-2. 新規な材料を設計し合成する際に、上記プロセッシングを材料の機能化に役立てることができる。


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

1. Purpose
Precise control over material morphologies, which includes hieratical designs from molecules to their assemblies, is essential to develop functional materials. A variety of phenomena dominating the material morphologies, such as phase equilibrium, mass transfer and diffusion, should be understood for the development of functional materials. Reaction conditions and practical operation methods for controlling the physical properties of products, micro-scaled structures of materials and phase structures of materials will be explained in the course targeting for organic polymer materials, inorganic materials and their composites.

2. Abstract
Phase equilibria and phase transition are firstly focused on to learn their effect on material morphologies, and then reaction conditions are explained to understand their effect on material morphologies in the synthesis of functional materials.

3. The following is main criteria of learning achievement in this course.
3-1 Attainment to explain basic material processing for controlling hieratical and/or phase separated structures of materials.
3-2 Attainment to utilize the above processing for functionalization of materials in the development of novel materials originally designed.


第1回 物質の空間分布制御と材料の機能化
第2回 物質の相溶性と相平衡理論
第3回 溶解度パラメータに基づいた相構造制御
第4回 相平衡を利用した材料の構造制御
第5回 相分離の動的過程を利用した材料の構造制御
第6回 コロイドの性質と液中における粒子の分散安定性
第7回 乳化重合による有機ポリマーの構造形成(1:粒子形成過程)
第8回 乳化重合による有機ポリマーの構造形成(2:粒径制御)
第9回 乳化重合による有機ポリマーの構造形成(3:粒子形態制御)
第10回 ゾル-ゲル法による酸化物微粒子形成(1.粒子形成過程)
第11回 ゾル-ゲル法による酸化物微粒子形成(2.粒径制御)
第12回 ゾル-ゲル法による酸化物微粒子形成(3.粒子形態制御)
第13回 ウェットケミカルプロセスによる微粒子の中空構造制御
第14回 粒子集積よる物質の空間分布制御と材料の機能化
第15回 試験


1. Control over distributions of materials and their functionalization
2. Compatibility of substances and phase equilibrium theory
3. Control over phase structures of materials based on solubility parameters
4. Structural control of materials using phase equilibrium
5. Structural control of materials in dynamic phase separation process
6. Properties of colloids and their stability in liquid phase
7. Structural formation of polymer phase using emulsion polymerization (1. Particles formation process)
8. Structural formation of polymer phase using emulsion polymerization (2. Particle size control)
9. Structural formation of polymer phase using emulsion polymerization (3. Particle morphology control)
10. Formation of oxide particles using sol-gel methods (1. Particles formation process)
11. Formation of oxide particles using sol-gel methods (2. Particle size control)
12. Formation of oxide particles using sol-gel methods (3. Particle morphology control)
13. Control over hollow structures of particles in wet-chemical processes
14. Control over distributions of materials and their functionalization using the assembly of particles
15. Final exam




Students are required to review the materials, the synthetic systems, and the material processings to understand the applications of functional materials.




Evaluation is performed comprehensively based on the final exam and submitted reports regarding the class content.


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