
機能無機材料化学 / Chemistry of Advanced Inorganic Materials

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 滝澤 博胤, 林 大和. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 日本語/英語 J /E.


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Design of functional inorganic materials is based on the knowledge of crystal chemistry, phase equilibria, solid state physics, etc. The aims of this class are to provide introductions to inorganic synthesis under high temperature, high pressure, electric and magnetic fields, characterization of solids, and the concepts for material design by microstructure developments on the basis of solid state chemistry. The current topics of advanced inorganic materials are discussed.




Followings are closely related to this class: Quantum Chemistry for Material Design, Synthetic Chemistry of Fine Particles, Inorganic Process Chemistry, Chemistry of Nano-structured Polymer Materials, Environmental Inorganic Chemistry, Design of Solid Reaction, Materials Chemistry with Optical Functions, Material Process Engineering.


第1回 機能無機材料化学序説
第2回 結晶化学を基礎とした無機材料設計
第3回 無機材料合成法1 高温合成
第4回 無機材料合成法2 高圧合成
第5回 無機材料合成法3 電磁場下での材料合成
第6回 キャラクタリゼーション技術1 組成と構造
第7回 キャラクタリゼーション技術2 組織と形態
第8回 材料複合化技術
第9回 組織制御と機能発現
第10回 先端無機材料概説1 半導体
第11回 先端無機材料概説2 磁性体
第12回 先端無機材料概説3 超伝導体
第13回 先端無機材料概説4 エネルギー変換材料
第14回 先端無機材料概説5 光学材料
第15回 総論


1st Introduction to functional inorganic materials.
2nd Material design on the basis of crystal chemistry.
3rd Inorganic synthesis 1. High temperature synthesis
4th Inorganic synthesis 2. High pressure synthesis
5th Inorganic synthesis 3. Material synthesis under electro-magnetic field
6th Characterization technique 1. Composition and crystal strcuture
7th Characterization technique 2. Microstructure and morphology
8th Composite materials.
9th Microstructure development and the functionality.
10th Current topics on advanced materials 1. Semiconductors
11th Current topics on advanced materials 2. Magnetic materials
12th Current topics on advanced materials 3. Superconductors
13th Current topics on advanced materials 4. Energy conversion materials
14th Current topics on advanced materials 5. Optical materials
15th Summary


予習:到達目標や授業内容に応じた準備学習が求められる。履修者が自ら主体的に計画と目標を 立て、自律的に準備学習に取り組むことを期待する。


Preparation: Students are required to prepare for class according to the goal and contents of each class. Students are strongly expected to voluntarily develop a plan and goals and to undertake preparatory learning.
Review: You should read the references and the reorganize your lecture notes to fully understand what you have learned. Do homework when it is assigned.




Grades based on class participation and two (mid-term and final) reports.


  • 固体材料の科学, Richard J.D.Tilley/著 滝澤博胤/訳 田中勝久/訳 大友明/訳 貝沼亮介/訳, 東京化学同人  (2015年) ISBN/ISSN: 9784807908585 資料種別:参考書


相談受付月日 : 随時
場所 : 各教員室
相談内容等 : 事前にアポイントを取ること。


Any time at my office but an appoint should be made in advance.

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