
グリーンデバイス工学 / Green Device Engineering

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 遠藤 哲郎. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 日本語.


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① グリーンデバイス工学の概要説明と講義の進め方の説明
② 最新パワーデバイスの説明
③ データセンタなどに適用される高効率電源の説明
④ CPU、GPUに適用される分散型電源の説明



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The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

Society 5.0, which is being promoted by the Japanese government, refers to a human-centered society that balances economic development and the resolution of social issues through a system that highly integrates cyber space (virtual space) and physical space (real space), and edge computing is rapidly expanding.
In order to realize Society 5.0, it is important to save energy in data centers, which are becoming larger and larger, and to realize low-loss, compact, and high-performance distributed power supplies that can operate high-speed, large-capacity CPUs and GPUs.
In this lecture, compact and highly efficient power supply technologies for data centers and distributed power supplies, as well as advanced power device technologies to operate them, will be lectured as follows.
(1) Overview of green device engineering and explanation of how to proceed with the lecture
(2) Explanation of the latest power devices
(3) Explanation of high-efficiency power supplies applied to data centers, etc. (4) Explanation of power supplies applied to CPUs and GPUs
(4) Explanation of distributed power supplies applied to CPUs and GPUs

This lecture will be conducted in person.

The lecture will be given in the form of a video file each time.
Each student is required to watch the video on a PC or other device and then submit a report for each lecture.
The course will start on April 20.

Adding a course to Google Classroom does NOT mean the registration of the course.
Be sure to register the course by Student Affairs Information System!
Please refer to the following website for details.




Participation in Latter term power electronics applied engineering will deepen your understanding of green devices and power electronics.



1. グリーンデバイス工学の概要の講義と本講座のガイダンスを行う。

2. 最新パワーデバイスの概要を講義する。

3. 最新データセンタ用電源に関して講義する。

4. データセンタ用電源回路とその動作に関して講義する。

5. CPU、GPUに適用される分散型電源の重要性について講義する。

6. 分散型電源に適用されるパワーデバイスについて講義する。

7. 分散型電源の回路構成について講義する。

8. 高周波対応Si-MOSFETの原理と動作について講義する。

9. 高周波対応横型GaN on Siデバイスの原理と動作について講義する。
10. 高周波対応インダクタ、 高周波対応コンデンサについて講義する。

11. 電源の冷却システムに関して講義する。

12. グリーンデバイス工学を通してのまとめと、将来技術に関して講義する。


The course of "Green Device Engineering" will be mainly conducted according to the following lesson plan.

1) Lecture on overview of green device engineering and guidance of this course.

2) Lecture on overview of the latest power devices.

3) Lecture on the latest power supplies for data centers.

4) Lecture on power circuits and power supplies for data centers and their operation.

5) Lecture on the importance of distributed power supplies as applied to CPUs and GPUs.

6) Lecture on power devices applied to distributed power supplies.

7) Lecture on the circuit configuration of distributed power supplies.

8) Lecture on the principle and operation of high-frequency Si-MOSFETs.

9) Lecture on principles and operation of high-frequency horizontal GaN on Si devices.

10) Lecture on Inductors for high frequency and capacitors for high frequency.

11) Lecture on cooling systems of power supplies.

12) Lecture on a summary of the green device engineering and future technologies.




Power supplies are applied to various products around us, but they are a technology that is hard to notice immediately.
It is important to consider how distributed power supply (POL) technology learned in class has been applied to real-world products in the information and communication field, computer field, and other fields, and has been effective. Furthermore, it is important to estimate what kind of distributed power supply (POL) should be developed in the future with the development of information communication technology and computer technology.
These will lead to a deeper understanding of distributed power (POL) technology not only in class but also outside class.




Submitted reports, attendance and so on are evaluated.


  • Power Electronics, Issa Batarseh,Ahmad Harb, Springer (2017) ISBN/ISSN: 9783319683652 資料種別:参考書
  • Control Technologies for Power Converters with Integrated Circuit, Wen-Wei Chen, Jiann-Fuh Chen, Springer (2017) ISBN/ISSN: 9789811070037 資料種別:参考書
  • スイッチング電源の原理と設計, 落合政司, Ohmsha (2015) ISBN/ISSN: 9784274217159 資料種別:参考書
  • パワーインテグリティーのすべて, マドバハン・スワミナサン、A・エゲ・エンゲン, SHOEISHA (2010) ISBN/ISSN: 9784798119212 資料種別:参考書


髙橋良和: y-taka(at)cies.tohoku.ac.jp
梅谷和弘: kazuhiro.umetani.e1(at)tohoku.ac.jp


Students can e-mail their questions to the following addresses.
Yoshikazu Takahashi: y-taka(at)cies.tohoku.ac.jp
Kazuhiro Umetani: kazuhiro.umetani.e1(at)tohoku.ac.jp
Replace (at) by @ for sending the email.

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