
計算機科学 / Computer Science

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 田中 徹, 滝沢 寛之. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: English(2024)/Japanese(2025).


This class is given using Google Classroom (class code: m57xxiq)

Computer architecture and IC technology will be lectured to understand modern computer systems better. The lecture includes
・ Logic design of ALU, memory hierarchy composed of SRAM, DRAM, NAND Flash, and HDD, and control units with hard-wired logic and microprogramming.
・Structure of computer systems using processors, memories, and input/output devices as building blocks.
・High-performance computing mechanisms such as pipelining and parallel processing.
・Issues and tradeoffs involved in the design of computer system architecture for the design of instruction sets.
In addition, research topics on state-of-the-art LSI technology will be also presented in the lecture.


Self-study before and after each lecture is required.


Self-study before and after each lecture is required.


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