
新事業創造論 / New Business Creation

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 石田 修一. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 日本語(Japanese).


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Class code

This lecture delves into fundamental issues concerning new business development within large corporations, accompanied by comprehensive case studies. Specifically, following an exposition on the basic tenets of organizational management, we will scrutinize organizational responses to innovation. This examination encompasses the configuration of internal ventures, the organizational structure of parent companies, the roles of pivotal personnel, and the prevailing organizational culture.

The strategy and structure of new business development stand as pivotal factors significantly influencing the outcome of innovation endeavors and corporate metamorphosis. Furthermore, comprehending the management dynamics of internal ventures vis-à-vis parent company oversight necessitates a thorough grasp of its inherent complexities. Strategies pertaining to new product development and the initiation of fresh business ventures exert profound impacts on a company's growth trajectory and its capacity for innovation.

This lecture will employ domain definition, core technology, and competitive strategy as foundational management strategy concepts, augmented by illustrative case studies on "strategies for new product development" and "new business development" both domestically and internationally.

The objectives of this course are twofold:

Mastery of fundamental concepts and theories in organizational and strategic realms pertinent to new business development and internal ventures, coupled with the ability to scrutinize and deliberate upon them using theoretical constructs.
Proficiency in applying the theoretical framework of organizational and strategic theories relevant to internal ventures to case studies on new product development and new business initiatives.


第1回 概要,経営資源(前半)
第2回 経営資源(後半) 
第3回 イノベーション・オープンイノベーション
第4回 事例研究3M
第5回 事例研究HP
第6回 リーダーシップ
第7回 経営戦略の概念
第8回 全社戦略
第9回 事例研究エーザイ
第10回 ゲストスピーカー講演
第11回 組織構造
第12回 新製品開発、アントレプレナーシップ
第13回 新事業開発、M&A、組織文化
第14回 事例研究富士通
第15回 事例研究旭化成


Part 1: Overview, Management resources (first half)
Part 2: Management resources (second half) 
3. Innovation and Open Innovation
4 Case Study 3M
5 Case Study HP
6. Leadership
7. The Concept of Corporate Strategy
8. Company-wide Strategy
Part 9 Case Study: Eisai
10. Guest Speaker Lecture
11. Organizational Structure
12. New Product Development, Entrepreneurship
13. New Business Development, M&A, Organizational Culture
Part 14 Case Study Fujitsu
Part 15 Case Study Asahi Kasei Corporation




Students are strongly advised to prepare for the lecture by thoroughly reviewing the pertinent sections in the reference books.




Evaluation will be contingent upon the final report and quiz, with consideration also given to contributions made during class.


  • 新事業開発の戦略と組織, 山田幸三, 白桃書房 (2000) ISBN/ISSN: 4561233253 資料種別:教科書
  • 1からのアントレプレナーシップ, 山田幸三編著, 碩学社 (2024) ISBN/ISSN: 9784502024317 資料種別:参考書



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