
ナノ磁気工学特論 / Nano Magnetism and Magnetic Engineering

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 千葉 大地, 野村 光. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 英語日本語併用.


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Magnetic materials are essential to human life, such as motors and electrical generators. As magnetic materials become nanoscale, their functionality expands and they are widely used in applications such as magnetic recording and magnetic field sensing. In recent years, magneto-elastic effects in nanomagnets have been found efficient for sensitive sensing of mechanical motions, and the connection between nanomagnets and mechanics is attracting attention. In this lecture, students will learn the fundamental properties of magnetic materials and their characteristics, and gain a broad knowledge of physical phenomena and applications in spintronics, a field of study in which nanomagnets are used for research and development. This lecture will be given in a face-to-face style with some exercises.


1日目 ナノ磁性体を用いる学術分野であるスピントロニクスの従来の応用例や物理現象の説明に続き、スピントロニクス素子を用いたメカニカルセンシングなど最新の応用事例を理解する。スピントロニクス素子にとって重要な、ナノマグネットの動作をマイクロマグネティックシミュレータなどを用いて理解するための演習の解説をする。

2日目 1日目の解説をうけ、受講者自身でシミュレーションを行う。磁化挙動の変化をシミュレーションにより可視化することにより、磁化挙動に対する理解を深める。シミュレーションにはマイクロマグネティックシミュレータを用いる。使用するシミュレータはGPUもしくはCPUを用いたシミュレータを予定しており、参加者と相談の上決定する。

3日目 引張試験機を用いた実験を通し、ひずみに応答する磁化の挙動について議論する。2日目に実施したマイクロマグネティックシミュレーションの結果と計測結果とを対応させることで、実際の実験と理想的な条件の元でのシミュレーションとの差異を確認することで、磁化挙動のさらなる理解を深める。


Day 1 This lecture will begin with an explanation of conventional applications and physical phenomena of spintronics, an academic field that uses nanomagnetic materials. Next, students will understand the latest applications such as mechanical sensing using spintronic devices. In addition, an explanation of exercises using a micromagnetic simulator will be given to understand the operation of nanomagnets, which are important for spintronics devices.

Day 2: Based on the explanations of the first day, students will perform simulations by themselves. By visualizing changes in magnetization behavior through simulations, understanding of magnetization behavior will be deepened. A micromagnetic simulator will be used for the simulation. The simulator to be used will be a GPU or CPU-based simulator, which will be decided upon discussion with students.

Day 3: Discuss magnetization behavior in response to strain through experiments using an actual device, and compare the results of the micromagnetic simulation performed on Day 2 with the measurement results. This will allow for further understanding of magnetization behavior by confirming the differences between actual experiments and simulations under ideal conditions.




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