
(IMAC-U)数学物理学演習Ⅰ / Exercises in Mathematics and Physics I

単位数: 1. 担当教員: 陳 迎, FEDORYNENKO DMYT. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TAL-MAT201E.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of
the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

1. Class subject (目的)
This course aims to fill the gap between the relevant mathematical knowledge necessary in Physics and its late appearance in mathematics courses for first-year students of the School of Engineering. It teaches basic methods to solve problems in the most important subjects of engineering mathematics.
2. Object and summary of the class (概要)
This subject focuses on the basic methods, not the theorems; it goes through the essential contents of each subject and allocates time for students to solve the questions. The content of this 1st part includes Differential, Series, Integral, Partial differential, Double integral, Surface integral, Line integral, Vector algebraic, Ordinary differential equations, Laws of motion, and Legendre transformation.
3. Goal of study (達成目標等)
The goal is to help students progress naturally to college physics, which uses calculus as the language, and acquire knowledge and skills in applying fundamental mathematical methods in physics.


Students are supposed to take the 2nd part of this course, "Exercises in Mathematics and Physics II," in the fall semester.


1. Trigonometric, exponential, and hyperbolic function
2.Differential and derivative
3.Series, convergent radius, and Taylor expansion
5.Partial derivatives
6.Vectors, calculus of vectors
7.Multiple integrals
8. Midterm test
9.Line integral and surface integral
10.Gradient, divergence, and rotation
11.First-order ordinary differential equations
12.Second-order linear ordinary differential equations
13.Equation of motion
14.Legendre transformation
15.Final exam


生徒はクラスの前に準備する時間をとる必要があります。 授業が終わったら、考え直し、宿題を見直して終了します。 生徒は宿題を個別に解決してから、次のクラスの前に、スキャンした解答用紙のコピーをEMPIクラスルームにアップロードする必要があります。 ISTUシステムとGoogleClassroomは、必要な教材を提供し、宿題を提出するために使用されることになっています。


Students should take time to prepare before a class, think over, review, and finish homework after class. Students must solve homework assignments individually and then upload the scanned copy of an answer sheet to the EMP I Classroom web page before the next class. Google Classroom is supposed to be used to provide the necessary teaching materials and submit home assignments.


Present and achievement of exercise problems (homework): 60%
Final exam: 40%


  • Exercise of Mathematics and Physics I, Y. Chen, Tohoku University (2022)
  • Engineering Mathematics, K. A. Stroud Dexter and J. Booth, Palgrave Macmillan
  • Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, John Wiley & Sons Inc


[TB62031] Exercises in Mathematics and Physics Ⅰ(IMAC)
Class code (Google Classroom): nmgvvfn


Usually, office hours are arranged individually upon request. Please get in touch with the course instructor by email.


Students are provided with the course textbook at the 1st lecture.
Additional references:
1. 数学物理学演習 (橋爪秀利、共立出版、2018.3.)
Exercises in Calculus and Physics for freshman in Engineering Course
2. Morris Kline, Calculus: An intuitive and Physical Approach (Dover Publications.1998)
3. Wolfram Math World (http://mathworld.wolfram.com/)

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