
弾性体力学 / Theory of Elasticity

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 寺田 賢二郎, 山川 優樹. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TCA-CEE212J. 開講言語: 日本語 (Japanese).

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


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1. 目的

2. 概要

3. 達成目標:
1) 応力やひずみなどの力学諸量の定義と性質を理解し,その数学的取り扱い方法を習得する.
2) 材料の力学的挙動をモデル化する数学的プロセスを理解し,それを適切に応用できる.
3) 弾性体の力学挙動に関する支配方程式系について理解し,これを簡単な問題の解析に応用できる.


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of
the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

1. Objectives
This course provides the theory of elasticity, which is the most important and fundamental theory in continuum mechanics and is used as an inevitable tool in evaluating the mechanical behavior of materials, such as soil, rock, concrete, and steel, in civil engineering.

2. Overview
The main contents are the definition and mathematical treatment of strain and stress in materials, the equations relating strain and stress in elastic bodies and their material parameters, and equilibrium equations to define boundary value problems.

3. Goal of Study
This course aims for students:
1) to understand the definitions and properties of mechanical variables such as stress and strain and to master their mathematical treatments;
2) to understand the mathematical process of modeling mechanical behavior of materials and to become able to use them correctly;
3) to master the governing equations related to the mechanical behavior of elastic materials and to become able to apply them to simple analysis of mechanical problems.


事前に「解析学A, B」,「線形代数学A, B」,「常微分方程式論」,「数学物理学演習I,II」,「空間創造の力学」を履修しておくこと.また,本科目と並行して4セメ開講の「応用線形代数学」を履修するのが望ましい.


Students are required to take the subjects “Calculus A and B,” “Linear Algebra A and B,” “Ordinary Differential Equations,” “Exercises in Mathematics and Physics I and II,” and “Mechanics for Space Creation” in advance, and also “Advanced Linear Algebra” offered in the 4th semester in parallel with this course.


授業計画は以下の通りである.ただし授業の進行状況や学校行事等により変更することがある.その場合は授業時またはGoogle Classroom内で連絡する.

1. 力学モデルの全体構造
2. 力学諸量:スカラー,ベクトル,テンソル
3. 数学の道具 (1):ベクトルの基底の変換;対称行列の固有値,固有ベクトル,対角化
4. 応力テンソル
5. 応力テンソルの固有値解析,主応力と主軸,応力テンソルの不変量
6. 数学の道具 (2):ガウスの発散定理
7. 連続体の力のつり合い
8. 中間試験
9. 数学の道具 (3):多変数関数の勾配ベクトル,方向微分,全微分
10. 連続体の運動の記述,変位ベクトルと変位勾配テンソル
11. 有限変形理論と微小ひずみ理論,微小ひずみテンソルと微小回転テンソル,変位勾配テンソルと微小ひずみテンソルの幾何学的意味
12. 等方線形弾性体の構成則:一般化フック則,ヤング率とポアソン比,ラメの定数,平面応力条件と平面ひずみ条件
13. ひずみの計算,応力とひずみのモール円,ひずみゲージ
14. 応力変形解析のための境界値問題の定式化(静的可容応力場と運動学的可容変位場,構成則の役割)
15. 期末試験


The class schedule is as follows, but is subject to change depending on lecture progress and school events. Any changes will be announced during class hours or within Google Classroom.

1. Overall structure of mechanical model
2. Mechanical quantities: Scalar, vector, and tensor
3. Mathematical foundation (1): Vector basis transformation; eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and diagonalization of symmetric matrix
4. Stress tensor
5. Eigenanalysis of stress tensor: Principal stress and principal axis, invariants of stress tensor
6. Mathematical foundation (2): Gauss’s divergence theorem
7. Equilibrium equation of continuum
8. Mid-term examination
9. Mathematical foundation (3): Gradient vector, directional derivative, total derivative of multivariate function
10. Description of motion of continuum, displacement vector and displacement gradient tensor
11. Finite strain theory and infinitesimal strain theory, infinitesimal strain and rotation tensors, geometric interpretation of displacement gradient tensor and infinitesimal strain tensor
12. Constitutive law of isotropic linear elasticity: generalized Hooke’s law, Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio, Lamé’s constants, plane stress and plane strain conditions
13. Calculation of strain, Mohr’s circle of stress and strain, strain gauge
14. Formulation of boundary value problem for stress‒deformation analysis (statically admissible stress field and kinematically admissible displacement field, role of constitutive law)
15. Final examination




This course requires a cumulative understanding, so please try to master each unit through sufficient review and exercises. Students should be prepared for a short quiz that may be given during class time to assess students’ understanding.




Grades are determined on the basis of attendance, exercises and homework (20%), mid-term examination (40%), and final examination (40%). Further examinations and reexaminations are conducted in accordance with the school’s regulations as stated in the student handbook.


  • よくわかる連続体力学ノート, 京谷孝史, 森北出版 (2008) ISBN/ISSN: 9784627948112 資料種別:参考書


質問は原則として授業後に受け付けるが,随時、メールやGoogle Classroomによる質問も受け付ける.


Questions can be asked at any time (especially after class), via email or Google Classroom.

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness


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