
化学・バイオ工学Ⅱ / Chemical and Biomolecular Engineeing II

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 長尾 大輔, 石丸 泰寛, 大田 昌樹, 大野 肇, 高橋 征司, 中澤 光, 諸橋 直弥. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TCH-BIO305J.

メディア授業科目/Media Class Subjects

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


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Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering II refers to any technological applications of chemical and biological systems, such as biomolecules and environmental materials to make or modify products or green processes for specific purposes. This class focuses on biomaterials, biomedical engineering, membrane transport, protein engineering, environmentally benign materials and reactions, biomass conversion, fluid dynamics, green process and industrial processes. Students will learn some basic aspects of engineering for biotechnology, biological and environmental materials.


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the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering II refers to any technological applications of chemical and biological systems, such as biomolecules and environmental materials to make or modify products or green processes for specific purposes. This class focuses on biomaterials, biomedical engineering, membrane transport, protein engineering, environmentally benign materials and reactions, biomass conversion, fluid dynamics, green process and industrial processes. Students will learn some basic aspects of engineering for biotechnology, biological and environmental materials.


Knowledge of organic chemistry and biochemistry will be required.


Knowledge of organic chemistry and biochemistry will be required.


0 Introduction

1 Protein engineering by Hikaru NAKAZAWA
1-1 Protein engineering of enzyme
1-2 Protein engineering and synthetic biology

2 Plant specialized metabolites by Seiji TAKAHASHI 
2-1 Basic sciences and histories of use
2-2 Metabolic engineering for production of valuable metabolites

3 Plant membrane biotechnology by Yasuhiro ISHIMARU
3-1 Application of plant membranes to biotechnology
3-2 Application of plant membranes to agriculture

4 Development of environmentally benign materials by Naoya MOROHASHI
4-1 Host–guest chemistry and separation materials using host molecules
4-2 Separation materials using host molecules

5 Process evaluation by Hajime OHNO 
5-1 Process simulation for innovative technologies
5-2 Process evaluation based on lifecycle thinking

6 Development of chromatography models with Excel by Masaki OTA
6-1 Advection-Diffusion model (Conventional)
6-2 Thermodynamic chemical engineering model (Original)

7 Process engineering for functional materials by Daisuke NAGAO
7-1 Process design of particulate materials
7-2 Interface control to design functional materials processing


0 Introduction

1 Protein engineering by Hikaru NAKAZAWA
1-1 Protein engineering of enzyme
1-2 Protein engineering and synthetic biology

2 Plant specialized metabolites by Seiji TAKAHASHI 
2-1 Basic sciences and histories of use
2-2 Metabolic engineering for production of valuable metabolites

3 Plant membrane biotechnology by Yasuhiro ISHIMARU
3-1 Application of plant membranes to biotechnology
3-2 Application of plant membranes to agriculture

4 Development of environmentally benign materials by Naoya MOROHASHI
4-1 Host–guest chemistry and separation materials using host molecules
4-2 Separation materials using host molecules

5 Process evaluation by Hajime OHNO 
5-1 Process simulation for innovative technologies
5-2 Process evaluation based on lifecycle thinking

6 Development of chromatography models with Excel by Masaki OTA
6-1 Advection-Diffusion model (Conventional)
6-2 Thermodynamic chemical engineering model (Original)

7 Process engineering for functional materials by Daisuke NAGAO
7-1 Process design of particulate materials
7-2 Interface control to design functional materials processing


Preparation: If students are asked to read some textbooks and handouts, they should read them before the lecture and understand the theories of not being clear. This gives you more from the lecture.
Review: Students should study the handouts supplied in lecture again.


Preparation: If students are asked to read some textbooks and handouts, they should read them before the lecture and understand the theories of not being clear. This gives you more from the lecture.
Review: You should study the handouts supplied in lecture again.




Grades are comprehensively evaluated by reports, assignments, quizzes conducted in classes, etc.



    Making an appointment is required.


    Making an appointment is required.

    実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

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