
化学・バイオ工学Ⅰ / Chemical and Biomolecular Engineeing I

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 大井 秀一, 久保 正樹, PICHIERRI FABIO, 熊谷 将吾, 中川 善直, 藤本 裕, 丸山 伸伍. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TCH-MAC303J.

メディア授業科目/Media Class Subjects

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


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We are surrounded by a large number of chemical products manufactured with various types of materials including organic, inorganic and their composite materials. Even in our body, biological materials are constantly being produced with the help of specialized enzymes and biochemical reactions. The objective of the present course is to provide
chemistry-oriented topics concerned with the development of functional materials in various areas of engineering.

Students will learn some basic aspects of chemical production, with special emphasis on environmentally friendly methodologies for the synthesis of fine chemicals and advanced materials.

This course is offered in the Spring semester with the goal of understanding chemical and biomolecular engineering. Various topics will be presented by different instructors, as listed in the course schedule below, with each instructor giving two lectures for each topic.


It would be desirable that the students attending this class have wide knowledge of fundamental chemistry at the undergraduate course level.


1. Chemistry of carbon nanomaterials by Assoc. Prof. Fabio PICHIERRI
1-1. Structure and bonding in organic molecules
1-2. Fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and graphene

2. Particle dynamics in nanofluids by Prof. Masaki KUBO
2-1. Aggregation / dispersion of particles
2-2. Aggregation kinetics and colloidal dynamics

3. Catalytic production of chemicals from biomass by Assoc. Prof. Yoshinao NAKAGAWA
3-1. Production of pure platform chemicals from biomass
3-2. Conversions of biomass-derived platform chemicals

4. Feedstock Recycling of Waste Plastics by Assoc. Prof. Shogo KUMAGAI
4-1. Latest Trends and Challenges in Plastic Recycling
4-2. Technologies for Chemical Feedstock Recovery from Plastics

5. Fine synthetic organic chemistry using metallic reagents by Prof. Shuichi OI
5-1. Synthetic methodologies using metallic reagent
5-2. Synthesis of luminescent materials

6. Phosphors for radiation detectors by Assoc. Prof. Yutaka FUJIMOTO
6-1. Ionizing radiation induced luminescence
6-2. Inorganic scintillators and their applications

7. Science and technology of thin films by Assoc. Prof. Shingo MARUYAMA
7-1. Fundamental aspects and practical applications of thin films
7-2. Fabrication techniques of thin films




To deepen understanding after each class, review and summarize the content of learning looking back at one's own notes, the handout or prints that were delivered by each instructor.




Evaluation is performed comprehensively based on reports, homework, short tests etc.



    After each lecture in the class room, otherwise any time at his/her office but an appointment should be made in advance.


    The handout and/or prints will be delivered by each instructor in his/her class.

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