
表面化学 / Surface Chemistry

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 松本 祐司, 丸山 伸伍. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TCH-MAC302J.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


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https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

【Course Objective】
This course provides basic knowledge about chemistry and engineering of surface and interface properties of materials that has become more and more important in various R&D fields of energy, environmental, advanced electronics.

【Course Description】
In understanding the operating principles of heterogeneous- and photo-catalyses or advanced electronic devices, it would be important to investigate the phenomena characteristic to the surface and interface of materials, a region of finite thickness where two homogeneous bulk phases meet. In this course, students will learn about some basic aspects of chemical synthesis and analysis on the inerface of materials, based on the fundamental knowledge of physical chemistry, along with some examples.





It would be desirable that the students attending this class have learned basic physical chemistry and thermodynamics. The students are encouraged not only to acquire the knowledge about this class, but also to understand it through one's effort to derive equations and results.


第1週 表面とは何か:身近な表面化学現象と諸概念
第2週 表面張力と諸現象
第3週 吸着と表面の熱力学(1)
第4週 吸着と表面の熱力学(2)
第5週 液体表面での吸着と諸現象(1)
第6週 液体表面での吸着と諸現象(2)
第7週 固体表面:固-気界面での吸着と諸現象(1)
第8週 固体表面:固-気界面での吸着と諸現象(2)
第9週 固体表面:固-液界面での吸着と諸現象(1)
第10週 固体表面:固-液界面での吸着と諸現象(2)
第11週 表面分析技術の基礎
第12週 固体表面での触媒反応とそのメカニズム
第13週 半導体表面での光触媒反応とそのメカニズム
第14週 結晶成長と表面化学
第15週 まとめ


Lecture 1: What is a concept of surfaces and interfaces? -Introduction-
Lecture 2: Surface tension and the related phenomena (1)
Lecture 3: Adsorption and the thermodynamics of surfaces (1)
Lecture 4: Adsorption and the thermodynamics of surfaces (2)
Lecture 5: Adsorption at the gas-liquid interface (1)
Lecture 6: Adsorption at the gas-liquid interface (2)
Lecture 7: The surfaces of solids: Adsorption at the gas-solid interface (1)
Lecture 8: The surfaces of solids: Adsorption at the gas-solid interface (2)
Lecture 9: The surfaces of solids: Adsorption at the liquid-solid interface (1)
Lecture 10: The surfaces of solids: Adsorption at the liquid-solid interface (2)
Lecture 11: Techniques for studying solid surfaces
Lecture 12: Heterogeneous catalysis and its reaction mechanisms on solid surfaces
Lecture 13: Photocatalysis and its reaction mechanisms on semiconductor surfaces
Lecture 14: Crystal growth and surface chemistry
Lecture 15: Summary




For preparing each lecture, read the textbook and submit the pre-homework for the lecture through the Google Classroom by the day before each lecture. To deepen understanding after each lecture, review and summarize the content of learning looking back at the notes and solve the exercises and problems in the textbook (the post-homework) etc..




The submitted pre-homework (50)for each class and the final exam(50)given in the class, which will be scored out of 100 in total. No make-up exam.


  • 表面化学講義資料, 担当教員, ISBN/ISSN: ISTUで公開 資料種別:講義資料
  • Interfacial Science: An Introduction, G. T. Branes and I. R. Gentle, OXFORD University Press (2005) ISBN/ISSN: 0199278822 資料種別:参考図書


相談受付月日: 講義時間終了後。それ以外の場合は、事前にアポイントをとること。


After each lecture in the class room or the online meeting, otherwise any time at my office but an appointment should be made in advance.

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