
電子物性B / Solid State Physics B

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 尾辻 泰一, 八坂 洋. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TEI-ELE314J.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Google Classroomのクラスコード: bzi3c3p



1. Objective
This course serves as an introductory course to learn about the fundamental basis of the physics and operation principles for semiconductor electronic and photonic (optoelectronic) devices which are the keys to construct the present information and communication technology society. It also gives students big interests and motivations to further study this important field more deeply in forthcoming related courses.
2. Summary
First, basic knowledge and the fundamental theory of semiconductor electronics, focused mainly on crystal bonds, energy bands, carrier transport, and conductivity, are given to understand the operation principles and characteristics of primitive electronic devices such as p-n junctions, bipolar junction transistors, as well as field effect transistors.
Second, the fundamental idea and theory of semiconductor photonics, focused mainly on optical response of semiconductors and quantum electronics, are given to understand the operation principle and characteristics of primitive electronic devices such as photodiodes, optical modulators, light emitting diodes, as well as lasers.
Throughout this course, the lecturers also present the trends in state-of-the-art electronic and photonic device technologies time to time.
3. Goal
The goal of this course is to understand the basic knowledge about the electrical and optical properties of electrons in solids, the operation principles of semiconductor electronic and optoelectronic devices, and the trends in cutting-edge semiconductor device technologies.


1.履修しておくことが望ましい科目: 電磁気学Ⅰ、電磁気学Ⅰ演習、量子力学A、電子物性A
2.関連する科目(5セメスター): 電磁気学Ⅱ、半導体デバイス、電子回路Ⅰ、量子力学B


1. Courses that are recommended to be taken prior to this course: Electromagnetism I, Practice for Electromagnetism I, Quantum Mechanics A., Solid State Physics A
2. Courses that correlate with this course: Electromagnetism II, Semiconductor Devices, Electronic Circuits I, Quantum Mechanics B


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クラスコード:  bzi3c3p 

1.4/10 IT社会と電子デバイスの役割
2.4/17 半導体の結晶構造と電子帯構造(エネルギー帯、電子有効質量)
3.4/24 半導体のキャリア (真性半導体、不純物半導体、キャリア輸送)
4.5/08 半導体接合、金属・半導体接合 (pn接合、ショットキ接合、接合ダイオードと応用)
5.5/15 半導体電子デバイス-1(バイポーラトランジスタの構造と動作)
6.5/22 半導体電子デバイス-2(電界効果型トランジスタの構造と動作)
7.5/29 半導体電子デバイスの動向と展望
8.6/05 光と物質-1(光の基本的性質)
9.6/12 光と物質-2(光の伝搬)
10.6/19 半導体の光学的性質-1
11.6/26 半導体の光学的性質-2
12.7/03 発光ダイオードと半導体レーザ
13.7/10 フォトダイオードと光変調器
14.7/17 半導体光デバイスの動向と展望
15.7/24 期末試験


Access to Google Classroom using Tohoku University ID address,
and designate class code "bzi3c3p" to register.
You can find announcement "お知らせ" which shows the way to attend the class.

1. 4/10 The role of semiconductor devices in information technology society
2. 4/17 Crystal structures and electronic band structures (energy band, effective mass of electron) in semiconductors
3. 4/24 Charge carriers in semiconductors (intrinsic and impurity semiconductors, carrier transport)
4. 5/08 Junctions (semiconductor-semiconductor (pn junctions) and metal-semiconductor (Schottky junctions)) and their applications to diodes
5. 5/15 Semiconductor electron device - 1 (structures and operation principles of bipolar junction transistors)
6. 5/22 Semiconductor electron device - 2 (structures and operation principles of field effect transistors)
7. 5/29 Trends and future of semiconductor electron devices
8. 6/05 Light and material - 1 (fundamental property of light)
9. 6/12 Light and material - 2 (light propagation)
10. 6/19 Optical property of semiconductor - 1
11. 6/26 Optical property of semiconductor - 2
12. 7/03 Light emitting diode and laser diode
13. 7/10 Photodiode and optical modulator
14. 7/17 Trends and future of photonic semiconductor devices
15. 7/24 Final examination




Students are required not only to submit interim assignments but also to review each class using handouts. If there remain any parts they cannot understand, they should ask questions in the next class.




Students are evaluated on the result of the final examination (70%) and submitted reports (30%).
Students must attend the classes by both of the lecturers because the grading evaluation is made comprehensively based on discussion by the two lecturers.


  • 半導体デバイス, S.M.シー著 南日康夫他訳, 産業図書 ISBN/ISSN: 9784782855508
  • 半導体の物理, 西澤編,御子柴著, 培風館 ISBN/ISSN: 9784563032999
  • 電子デバイスの基礎, 桜庭、岡本著, 森北出版 ISBN/ISSN: 4627772610
  • Physics of Semiconductor Devices, S.M. Sze, John Wiley & Sons ISBN/ISSN: 0471056618




Students who wants to join the Office Hour Meeting are kindly asked to make an appointment with the lecturer(s) via email beforehand.

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