
(IMAC-U)材料強度学 / (IMAC-U)Strength and Fracture of Materials

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 小川 和洋, 佐藤 一永. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TMA-MEE365E.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


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本講義は,Google Classroomを利用する場合がある.その場合のクラスコードは「pvd66ix」である.


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of
the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

1. Objective
Strength and Fracture of Materials presents engineering methodologies for evaluating and ensuring the safety and reliability of machine elements and structures. This course is intended as an introduction of Strength and Fracture of Materials offered to engineering students, and descibes its underling theoreis and their application to strength design and safety-assessment of structural components.

2. Outline
This course covers the following fundamental topics; strength and fracture testing methods, yielding and fracture criteria, fracture mechanics, fracture mechanisms and properties of various materials, and their application to machine design. The class then deals with brittle and ductile fracture, fatigue damage, creep deformation and fracture, environmentally assisted cracking, which are typical fracture causes in actual machine elements and structures. The mechanisms and relevant characterizing parameters for the above-mentioned deformation and fracture will be addressed along with methodologies for controlling and preventing them.

3. Goals
At the end of the course, students should be able to do the following items:
To grasp the materials classification based on deformation and fracture properties, and to recognize important factors affecting those properties.
To understand the parameters evaluating deformation and fracture, and the damage criteria; and to conduct strength analyses of simple machine elements and structures
To get insight in the typical deformation and fracture mechanisms; and to carry out .

In this lecture, Google Classroom may be used.
The class code is "pvd66ix".


「材料力学 I, II」及び「材料科学I, II」 を履修していることが望ましい。本科目の理解を深めるために、「弾性力学」を履修することを望む。


It is assumed that the students studying in this course will have knowledge in Mechanics of Materials I and II, and Material Science I and II. Fundamental understanding of elasticity theory is desirable.


1. 材料強度学の目的と歴史・破壊事故例
2. 変形と破壊の分類・特徴
3. 破損の法則
4. 強度の基本的特性(I):材料強度試験と評価パラメータ
5. 強度の基本的特性(II):破壊機構,破壊に及ぼす影響因子,設計への応用
6. 疲労強度(I):S-N曲線と疲労限度,疲労強度に及ぼす諸因子の影響
7. 疲労強度(II):低サイクル疲労,変動振幅応力下の疲労,設計への応用
8. 高温強度(I):クリープ変形およびクリープ破壊
9. 高温強度(II):クリープ劣化と寿命評価
10. 環境強度:腐食の電気化学機構,応力腐食割れ
11. き裂の材料強度に及ぼす影響と破壊力学
12. き裂先端の応力・変位場と応力拡大係数K
13. 破壊靭性試験(KIc試験)と設計への応用
14. 疲労き裂進展:機構と破壊力学パラメータ,破壊防止と寿命評価
15. 定期試験


1. Introduction of Strength of Materials
2. Characteristics of deformation and fracture
3. Failure Criteria
4. Fundamentals of Strength (I):Property Testing and Characterizing Parameters
5. Fundamentals of Strength (II):Fracture Mechanism, Influencing Factors
6. Fatigue Strength (I):S-N Curves and Fatigue Limit, Influencing Factors
7. Fatigue Strength (II):Low Cycle Fatigue,Variable Amplitude Stress, Applications
8. High Temperature Strength (I):Creep Deformation and Fracture
9. High Temperature Strength (II):Creep Deterioration and Life Evaluation
10. Environmentally Induced Fracture:Electrochemical Mechanism, Stress Corrosion Cracking
11. Strength of Cracked Bodies and Fracture Mechanics
12. Stress Intensity Factor
13. Fracture Toughness KIc and Applications
14. Fatigue Crack Growth:Paris Law, Fracture Prevention and Life Evaluation
15. Examination




Students are required not only to submit class assignments but also to review each class using handouts. If there remain any parts they cannot understand, they should ask questions in the next class.




Attendance, Reports(30 %), Examination(70 %)





    Office hours are from 9:00 to 12:00 on Wednesdays.
    Make an appointment in advance via e-mail or other means.
    The contact information for the lecturer will be given in class.

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