
計画及び製図Ⅱ(IMAC) / Design and Drawing II

単位数: 1. 担当教員: 陳 迎, FEDORYNENKO DMYT. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TMA-MEE359E.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of
the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

Class subject.
In this course, students will brush up on skills in design and drawing through several advanced exercises on designing mechanical apparatus based on the knowledge learned in “Design and Drawing I.” Students will also understand efficient and advanced design and drawing methods with 3D CAD/CAE.

Object and summary of classes.
This course provides basic knowledge of 3D CAD/CAE operations through tutorials. Then, several exercises on designing mechanical apparatus will be assigned considering the conceptual design and the optimization design. Students also need to draw specific components and make an assembly of the apparatus by using SolidWorks software.

The goal of the study.
Students are expected to be able to:
- use CAD/CAE software for efficient mechanical designs and drawings;
- understand the basic design procedures from conceptual design to drawing specific components.


Students are supposed to learn "Mechanics," specialized subjects related to the theory of mechanisms and their designing, and "Design and Drawing I" before taking this course.


1. Course Outline, Guidance for 3D Modeling, and Home Assignments
2. Task 1: Tutorials
3. Task 2: Designing a Tetrapod Fixture
4. Task 2: Designing a Tetrapod Fixture
5. Task 2: Designing a Tetrapod Fixture
6. Task 3: Designing a Flange
7. Task 3: Designing a Flange
8. Task 3: Designing a Flange
9. Guidance for Designing a Robot Arm. Preparation of the Calculation Sheet
10. Design in accordance with the Calculation Sheet
11. Design in accordance with the Calculation Sheet
12. 3D Modeling: Parts
13. 3D Modeling: Subassembly
14. 3D Modeling: Mechanism assembly
15. 2D Modeling: Part Drawings
16. 2D Modeling: Assembly Drawings


生徒はクラスの前に準備する時間をとる必要があります。 授業が終わったら、考え直し、宿題を見直して終了します。 学生はまた、クラス内とクラス外の両方の活動のために自分で演習を完了することが期待されています。 さらに、学生は学期中にGoogle ClassroomWebページを介していくつかのレポートとCADデータを提出する必要があります。
学生は、最新のSolidWorks製品の使用に適したラボが提供する独自のラップトップまたはPCを使用する必要があります。 ISTUシステムとGoogleClassroomは、必要な教材を提供し、宿題を提出するために使用されることになっています。


Students should take time to prepare before a class, think over, review, and finish homework after class. Students must also complete exercises independently for in-class tutorials and homework projects. In addition, students must submit several reports and CAD data during a semester via the Google Classroom webpage.
Students are supposed to use their laptops or PCs provided by their labs that are suitable for using the latest SolidWorks products.


The final score will be evaluated based on the following assignments: tutorials (10%), calculation sheets and reports (20%),
interview sessions (20%), CAD data (50%).


  • 機械設計・製図の実際, 塚田忠夫, 数理工学社 (2006) 資料種別:reference


Google Classroom is used to provide the necessary teaching materials and submit home assignments.
[TB17431] Design and Drawing II(IMAC)2024; class code (Google Classroom): s5jdbef


Usually, office hours are arranged individually upon request. Please get in touch with the course instructor by email.
Students can also use four interview sessions to ask questions.


The course is organized without a specific textbook. Instead, handouts, in-class tutorials, and presentations are used. All the necessary teaching materials can be downloaded from the Google Classroom webpage.

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