
宇宙工学(IMAC) / Space Engineering

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 吉田 和哉. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TMA-MEE374E.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。





The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of
the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

<Objective>: Learn the basics of science and technology necessary for designing, developing, and operating space systems such as artificial satellites, space stations, and space probes.

<Overview>: First, the history of space development, the space environment, space utilization, and the outline of the space system are described, and the guidance and control of the rocket for putting the artificial satellite into orbit are described. Next, we will give a basic lecture on the orbital motion, attitude motion, and control of artificial satellites.

<Goals for achievement>: Understand the basics of space engineering as a whole. We aim to offer a wide range of content without going into deep details. Understand the outline of science and technology for "going to space." Learn Tsiolkovsky's equation, Kepler orbit, and understand the basics of the orbital motion of artificial satellites. In addition, learn rendezvous docking, satellite attitude stability, interplanetary flight, etc., to deepen their understanding of astrodynamics for space missions.




How the class will go:
-Lectures are given using PPT presentations.
-No textbook is used, but the class video and the presentation materials will be uploaded on the Classroom site.
-Small tests and homework are given sometimes.


2024年のClassroomコード: tejvs2y

1. はじめに:惑星と小惑星のミッションの概要
2. 宇宙環境
3. ロケット打ち上げとロケット方程式
4. 軌道力学(1):基礎
5. 軌道力学(2):軌道遷移
6. 軌道力学(3):スイングバイ
7. 月のミッションと小惑星のミッションのための軌道
8. 姿勢運動の基礎
9. 姿勢のダイナミクスと制御(1):スピンの安定化
10. 姿勢ダイナミクスと制御(2):3軸安定化
11. 宇宙機システムの設計に関する考慮事項


Classroom code for 2024: tejvs2y

1 Introduction: an overview of planetary and asteroid missions
2 Space environment
3 Rocket launch and the rocket equation
4 Orbital mechanics (1): basics
5 Orbital mechanics (2): orbital transfer
6 Orbital mechanics (3): swing-by
7 Orbits for Lunar missions and asteroid missions
8 Understanding of attitude motion
9 Attitude dynamics and control (1): Spin stabilization
10 Attitude dynamics and control (2): 3-axis stabilization
11 Spacecraft System Design considerations




Review the lecture materials and videos.
Solve the given homework problems.




Based on the small tests and the homework deliverables (written reports).


  • Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students, Howard Curtis, Butterworth-Heinemann (2019) ISBN/ISSN: 9780081021330 資料種別:reference
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