
機械知能・航空研修Ⅱ(IMAC) / Seminar II

単位数: 1. 担当教員: 機械知能・航空工学科担当教員. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TMA-MEE335E.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of
the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

#The contents of this class will be announced on Google Classroom called 機械知能・航空研修Ⅱ.
#Please check the Google Classroom whose class-code is "6sc5jpx".

1.Class subject
This class provides students with training to gain abilities to summarize the contents of recent scientific papers or equivalent technical documents and to make presentation. Students will also learn how to search articles and how to make meaningful discussions.
2.Object and summary of class
Under supervision by the student’s advisor, the student picks up an article which is closely related to the student’s bachelor project, understands the contents of the article, and makes summary. The student makes an oral presentation based on the summary and has discussions with other students.
3.Goal of study
 Students can understand the contents of the technical article.
 Students can search and obtain technical information necessary to understand the article.
 Students can summarize the contents of the technical article and can make an extended abstract.
 Students can discuss the technical contents to deepen their understanding.
 Students can appropriately answer to technical questions.


The seminar II is the first step for a student to get prepared for his/her independent bachelor project under supervision of the advisor. Not only making your own presentation, but also active participation in discussion on other student’s presentation is very important to develop your communication skill.


2.Determination of an article
3.Study the article
4.Same as above
5.Same as above
6.Same as above
7.Same as above
8.Presentation and discussion
9.Same as above
10.Same as above
11.Same as above
12.Same as above
13.Same as above
14.Same as above
15. Same as above




Research survey




Students will be evaluated by the degree of the understanding and presentation (20%), contribution to the discussion and number of attendance (80%). Submission of the extended abstract and giving presentation are mandatory to earn the credit.


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