
(IMAC-U) 計測工学Ⅰ / (IMAC-U)Measurement and Instrumentation I

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 高 偉. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TMA-MEE325E.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


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1.Class subject(目的)
To learn fundamental principles and applied technologies of sensors and measuring instruments for mechanical engineering.

2.Object and summary of class(概要)
A wide area of measurement and instrumentation in the field of mechanical engineering will be covered. At first, basic concepts of measurement and instrumentation such as classification of measurement, standards and units of measurement, etc will be introduced. Then sensors and measuring instruments for displacement, force, displacement, length, velocity, acceleration, quantity of flow, etc., will be explained. Finally, sensor electronics will be presented.

3.Goal of study(達成目標等)
To establish the base of knowledge on measurement and instrumentation for mechanical engineering and to enhance the ability for providing proper solutions to related problems.
[Class code:cflubys ]


1.Standards of Measurement
2.Configuration and Characteristics of Measurement System
3.Measurement Uncertainty
4.Signal Conversions
5.Data Processing
6.Measurement of Displacement and Deformation
7.Measurement of Velocity and Acceleration
8.Measurement of Force and Mass
9.Measurement of Mechanical Properties of Materials
10.Measurement of Fluid
11.Measurement of Temperature and Humidity
12.Measurement of Light
13.Measurements of Electricity and Magnetism
14.Sensor Signal Conditioning
15.Summary and examination


Students are required to prepare and review for each class.


Students are required to prepare and review for each class.


Evaluation will be based on attendance, homeworkand a final examination.


  • Bilingual edition 計測工学 Measurement and Instrumentation, Wei Gao, Yuki Shimizu, Kazuhiro Hane, Hitoshi Soyama, Koshi Adachi, 朝倉書店 Asakura Publishing (2017) ISBN/ISSN: 9784254201659 資料種別:Text book 教科書


Office hours are from 10:30 to 17:00 on Wednesdays. Make an appointment in advance via e-mail or other
means. The contact information for the lecturer will be given in class.

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

Attendance of classes is required.

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