
生命機械工学 / Biomechanical Engineering

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 船本 健一, 菊地 謙次, 西澤 松彦, 芳賀 洋一. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TMA-MEE381J.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。

本講義は、Google Classroomを利用する。クラスコードは「bu2vha2」である。


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of
the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

Cells are the fundamental units of living organisms, and vital phenomena are induced by biochemical reactions in the cells. To understand the morphology and function of living organisms, knowledge of structure, function and evolution of cells is useful. This course aims to give students a basic understanding of the general characteristics of biology and molecular biology on the basis of "cells". Biophysical properties of cells and biomechanical properties of tissues are also lectured.
This class may use Google Classroom. In that case, class code is "bu2vha2".




Particulaly, those who belong to biomedical engineering realated laboratories are recommended to attend.


第1回 基礎1:細胞と組織
第2回 基礎2:RNA,DNAと染色体
第3回 基礎3:遺伝子とゲノム
第4回 基礎4:タンパク質の構造と機能
第5回 基礎5:生体材料,人工臓器,組織工学
第6回 基礎6:生体計測(イメージング,電気生理学,光学計測)
第7回 基礎7:感覚系と神経系
第8回 基礎8:筋肉系と骨格系
第9回 各論1:人体の機械力学
第10回 各論2:人体の流体力学
第11回 各論3:人体の材料力学
第12回 各論4:生命のエネルギー変換システム
第13回 各論5:生体情報変換・伝達の分子システム
第14回 各論6:バイオ組織化と機能構造


1st General 1: Cells and tissues
2nd General 2: RNA, DNA and chromosomes
3rd General 3: Genes and genomes
4th General 4: Structure and function of proteins
5th General 5: Biomaterials, artificial organs and tissue engineering
6th General 6: Biomedical measurement (Imaging, electrophysiology and optical measurement)
7th General 7: Sensory system and neural system
8th General 8: Muscle system and skeletal system
9th Detail 1: Mechanics of the human body
10th Detail 2: Fluid mechanics in the human body
11th Detail 3: Mechanics of materials in the human body
12th Detail 4: Bioenergetic Molecular Systems
13th Detail 5: Signal Transduction in Biosystems
14th Detail 6: Molecular Mechanism of Bioassembly




Preparation: Students should research a part of the contents described in "the contents and progress schedule of class" before the lecture and understand items of not being clear. This gives you more from the lecture.
Review: You should research the related items in more detail and the items that you are interested in about the lecture.




Students are evaluated on the examination 1 about general lectures (1st - 8th) and the examination 2 about detail lectures (9th - 14th).


  • 大学生物学の教科書 第1巻 細胞生物学, D. サダヴァ, 講談社 (2021) ISBN/ISSN: ISBN9784065137437
  • 大学生物学の教科書 第2巻 分子遺伝学, D. サダヴァ, 講談社 (2021) ISBN/ISSN: ISBN9784065137444
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