
(IMAC-U)材料科学Ⅱ / (IMAC-U) Materials Science II

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 鈴木 研. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TMA-MEE327E. 開講言語: English.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


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The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of
the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

1. Class subject
Various functions of materials are dominated by the arrangement of atoms in the material. From the viewpoint of atomic bonding and microstructure, mechanisms underlying materials' physical and chemical properties are explained. This lecture will cover the design of atomic arrangement and fabrication methods for structural materials and functional materials such as electronic, optical, and energy-conversion materials. Various techniques used to characterize materials at the nanoscale are also explained.

2. Object and summary of class
This course is intended as an introductory course in the functional design of materials offered to engineering students. It concentrates on developing analysis techniques from the principle for a range of practical materials that include steel materials, semiconductor materials, optical fiber, oxides used for fuel cells, and so on.

3. Goal of study
The goal of this course is the acquisition of the basic concept of the atomic-scale design of materials and the quantitative analytical method of the atomic alignment in various structures.


It is assumed that the students have had some experience in materials science.


1. Relationship between physical properties and atomic alignment
2. Basic concept of atomic bond
3. Quantum chemistry 1: Review
4. Quantum chemistry 2: Atomic bond
5. Crystal structure of solid
6. Strengthening mechanism of materials
7. Mid-term exam.
8. Electronic materials 1: Electrical conduction
9. Electronic materials 2: Semiconductors
10. Thermal properties
11. Diffusion
12. Oxides used for fuel cells and batteries
13. Atomic level simulation
14. Summary
15. Final exam.


Reference material is provided on the assigned website before each class. A student is expected to download the material and read it carefully for the preparation of the next lecture.
In addition, occasionally homework assignments will be assigned in the class, and students will be required to submit a report.


Reference material is provided on the assigned website before each class. A student is expected to download the material and read it carefully for the preparation of the next lecture.
In addition, occasionally homework assignments will be assigned in the class, and students will be required to submit a report.


1. Homework: 20%
2. Mid-term exam (Self-made two-page note is permitted.): 30%
3. Final exam.( Self-made two-page note is permitted.): 50%



    1) Principles of Engineering Materials, C. R. Barrett, W. D. Nix and A. S. Tetelman, Prentice Hall (1973).
    2) Engineering Materials 2, M.F. Ashby and D.R.H. Jones, ELSEVIER

    実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

    主として実践的教育から構成される実務・実践的授業/Practical business

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