
(IMAC-U)機械創成学Ⅰ / (IMAC-U)Manufacturing Engineering and Technology I

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 竹田 陽一. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TMA-MEE330E.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Google Classroom Class code: 3lvcp3u


1.Class subject
This class shows imagination for creation and production that human has demonstrated and manufacturing technologies that human has achieved. Knowledge for creation and production of future implements is also given.

2.Object and summary of class
Creation and production are fundamental for manufacturing. What enables creation and production in industry is imagination to come up with new things and manufacturing technologies to produce them. Imagination and manufacturing technologies complement each other. New materials enable new machines, implements, and sensors.

3.Goal of study
The goal of this class is to understand characteristics of manufacturing technologies and to acquire basic knowledge for designing and planning implements.

Google Classroom Class code: 3lvcp3u


This class gives fundamental knowledge of manufacturing technologies. This class is one of the important classes that give fundamentals for understanding mechanical design and precision machining.


The materials used in the lecture will be provided using Google Class room (code: 3lvcp3u).
Google Meet on-line conference system will be used.
1. Introduction to material processing
2. Creation of materials : relation between design and material
3. Creation of materials : characteristics of surfaces
4. Forming processes : casting processes
5. Forming processes : plastic forming processes
6. Forming processes : powder processing
7. Midterm examination
8. Machining and finishing processes : machining processes
9. Machining and finishing processes : advanced machining processes
10. Machining and finishing processes : finishing processes
11. Joining processes : welding
12. Joining processes : bonding
13. Surface treatment and modification processes
14. Essay
15. Final examination


Quiz will be given in every class session. Students are requested to review each class based on the contents of the quiz. Students are required to collect information and topics related to the content of the next class from available sources.


Quiz will be given in every class session. Students are requested to review each class based on the contents of the quiz. Students are required to collect information and topics related to the content of the next class from available sources.


Evaluation will be based on two examinations (70%), essay and, quizzes (30%).


  • Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Serope Kalpakjian and Steven Schmid , Pearson ISBN/ISSN: 9789810681449


Monday 14:40-16:10


Handouts will be provided through Google classroom.

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