
(IMAC-U)弾性力学 / (IMAC-U) Theory of Elasticity

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 山本 剛. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TMA-MEE329E. 開講言語: English.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


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Class code is "xd6z74k".
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the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

When an elastic body is subjected to a load, it deforms and stresses are caused. The basis of continuum mechanics called elasticity which treats these phenomena mathematically is explained, where deformation is assumed to be infinitesimal. This lecture gives the basis of solid mechanics.


It is assumed that the students in the course will have fundamental knowledge in "Mechanics of Materials" and "Mathematics".


1. Introduction of Mechanics of Elasticity
2. Inner and cross products
3. Strain-displacement relations in the rectangular coordinate system
4. Coordinate transformation equation
5. Compatibility equations for strain
6. Equations of Equilibrium in the rectangular coordinate system
7. Equations of Equilibrium in the cylindrical coordinate system
8. Cauchy's stress theorem and Principal stress
9. Constitutive equations
10. Navier equation
11. Plane theory of elasticity
12. Airy Stress Function1
13. Airy Stress Function2
14. Anisotropic elasticity
15. Summary
16. Examination


The session time is limited and therefore self-directed learning is important. Students are required to prepare and review for each class.


The students are requested to study the fundamental items described in the textbook before and after each class, and to elaborate the part(s) designated by the lecturer in the class. Several assignments will be provided in the course, and the students are asked to solve them and hand in their solutions as a report.


1. Assignments: 30%
2. Examination: 70%


  • Theory of Elasticity, Stephen P. Timoshenko, McGraw Hill Higher Education
  • Statistical Mechanics of Elasticity, J.H. Weiner, Dover Publications


The students are welcome to contact the lecturer in order to arrange an meeting for questions.
Contact details: gyamamoto@tohoku.ac.jp

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