
岩石鉱物科学Ⅱ / Geochemistry for oe deposit

前期 木曜日 1講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 掛川 武. 学期/Semester: 前期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SES-EAS634E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.


Geosciences Department


Application of stable isotoeps to ore genesis

Course Title

Geochemistry for oe deposit


This lecture will cover the following topics: (1) application of stable isotope geochemistry to understand natural phenomena, (2) origin of magma, (3) origin of metallic ores, (4) origin of oil, and (5) evolution of biosphere through the earth history.


This lecture will cover the following topics: (1) application of stable isotope geochemistry to understand natural phenomena, (2) origin of magma, (3) origin of metallic ores, (4) origin of oil, and (5) evolution of biosphere through the earth history.


Understanding the following topics: (1) application of stable isotope geochemistry to understand natural phenomena, (2) origin of magma, (3) origin of metallic ores, (4) origin of oil, and (5) evolution of biosphere through the earth history.


Understanding the following topics: (1) application of stable isotope geochemistry to understand natural phenomena, (2) origin of magma, (3) origin of metallic ores, (4) origin of oil, and (5) evolution of biosphere through the earth history.


This lecture will cover the following topics: (1) application of stable isotope geochemistry to understand natural phenomena, (2) origin of magma, (3) origin of metallic ores, (4) origin of oil, and (5) evolution of biosphere through the earth history.

Detailed schedule will be announced at the first class.
What are stable isotopes? Concept of isotope fractionation.
Technical terms for stable isotope geochemistry.
Isotope equilibrium
(2) Meteoric water: isotope fractionation during rain precipitation.
(oxygen/hydrogen isotopes)
Rayleigh isotope fractionation
(3)Terrestrial hydrothermal system: origin of hot springs
(Oxygen isotopes of magma/mantle)
(4) Sulfur and carbon isotope system (general)
(5) Origin of magmatic ores
(6) Origin of submarine hydrothermal ore deposits 1
(7)Origin of submarine hydrothermal ore deposits 2
(8)Biological fractionation of stable isotopes: carbon
(9)Biological fractionation of stable isotopes: sulfur
(10)Origin of oil and natural gas
(11)Origin of diamond
(12)Origin of meteorite

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

This lecture will cover the following topics: (1) application of stable isotope geochemistry to understand natural phenomena, (2) origin of magma, (3) origin of metallic ores, (4) origin of oil, and (5) evolution of biosphere through the earth history.

Detailed schedule will be announced at the first class.
What are stable isotopes? Concept of isotope fractionation.
Technical terms for stable isotope geochemistry.
Isotope equilibrium
(2) Meteoric water: isotope fractionation during rain precipitation.
(oxygen/hydrogen isotopes)
Rayleigh isotope fractionation
(3)Terrestrial hydrothermal system: origin of hot springs
(Oxygen isotopes of magma/mantle)
(4) Sulfur and carbon isotope system (general)
(5) Origin of magmatic ores
(6) Origin of submarine hydrothermal ore deposits 1
(7)Origin of submarine hydrothermal ore deposits 2
(8)Biological fractionation of stable isotopes: carbon
(9)Biological fractionation of stable isotopes: sulfur
(10)Origin of oil and natural gas
(11)Origin of diamond
(12)Origin of meteorite


Attending points and test


Attending points and test


(1)安定同位体地球化学、酒井均、松久幸敬、東京大学出版(1996)in japanese
(2) Principles of Isotope Geology G. Faure, Wiley (1986)
(3) Stable isotope geochemistry, Hoef, Springer (2004)
(4) 地球と生命—地球環境と生物進化—、掛川武、海保邦夫(2011)共立出版



Preparation and review


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