
銀河物理学特論Ⅱ / Current understandings and remaining issues on the formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies

後期 水曜日 2講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 兒玉 忠恭. 学期/Semester: 後期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SAS-AST506.


理学研究科天文学専攻 Astronomical Institute



Course Title

Current understandings and remaining issues on the formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies




In the first first, I will review the basic concepts and models/tools (hierarchical galaxy formation model, phenomenological models, derivation of physical quantities from observed data, etc) which are required to understand the formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. In the latter half, I will present the advancement in theoretical models and recent optical-NIR-submm-radio observations with modern facilities, and discuss current understandings, remaining issues, and future prospects on the formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies.


To learn the basic concepts and background knowledge of the formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. To learn how the galaxies and clusters are formed and evolved over the cosmic times and across various environments based on the recent observations of distant Universe. To be motivated to conduct researches on galaxies and clusters.


To learn the basic concepts and background knowledge of the formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. To learn how the galaxies and clusters are formed and evolved over the cosmic times and across various environments based on the recent observations of distant Universe. To be motivated to conduct researches on galaxies and clusters.


Contents of the lectures are the following:
1. Hierarchical formation model of galaxies and clusters of galaxies
2. Phenomenological models of galaxies (chemical and spectral evolution)
3. Physical quantities of galaxies and clusters obtained from observations
4. Observations of distant galaxies and clusters in optical-IR-submm-radio regime
5. Current understandings, remaining issues and future prospects

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

Contents of the lectures are the following:
1. Hierarchical formation model of galaxies and clusters of galaxies
2. Phenomenological models of galaxies (chemical and spectral evolution)
3. Physical quantities of galaxies and clusters obtained from observations
4. Observations of distant galaxies and clusters in optical-IR-submm-radio regime
5. Current understandings, remaining issues and future prospects


Assignments will be given at the end of the lecture course. Participation will also be considered.


Assignments will be give at the end of the lecture course. Participation will also be considered.


*Galaxies in the Universe: An Introduction, 2nd Edition
 Linda S. Sparke, John S. Gallagher III (Cambridge University Press)
*Galactic Astronomy
 Binney & Merrifield (Princeton Series)
*Evolution of Stars and Stellar Populations
Salaris & Cassisi (Wiley)
*Chemical Evolution of Galaxies
 F. Matteucci (A&A Library)
*Galaxy Formation and Evolution, 1st Edition
 Houjun Mo, Frank van den Bosch, Simon White (Cambridge University Press)
*Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology, 2nd edition
P. Schneider (Springer)

Books required/referenced

*Galaxies in the Universe: An Introduction, 2nd Edition
 Linda S. Sparke, John S. Gallagher III (Cambridge University Press)
*Galactic Astronomy
 Binney & Merrifield (Princeton Series)
*Evolution of Stars and Stellar Populations
Salaris & Cassisi (Wiley)
*Chemical Evolution of Galaxies
 F. Matteucci (A&A Library)
*Galaxy Formation and Evolution, 1st Edition
 Houjun Mo, Frank van den Bosch, Simon White (Cambridge University Press)
*Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology, 2nd edition
P. Schneider (Springer)


A review after each lecture is highly recommended.

Preparation and review

A review after each lecture is highly recommended.

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