
環境・地球科学特殊講義Ⅱ / Advanced Geochemistry : a solid Earth perspective

前期 木曜日 5講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 掛川 武, MC DONOUGH WILLI. 学期/Semester: 前期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SGP-EAS765E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.


Geosciences Department


Advanced Geochemistry : a solid Earth perspective

Course Title

Advanced Geochemistry : a solid Earth perspective


1. Stars: birthplace of the elements (nucleosynthesis)
origin of the elements, fusion processes, types of stars, abundances of the elements
2. Meteorites and cosmochemical abundances
behavior of the elements, refractory vs volatile elements, the building blocks, ages of meteorites
3. Planetary accretion, differentiation, solar system
Accretion disks, assembling the Earth, planetary comparisons, Moon formation, core formation,
4. Radiogenic isotopes: Rb‐Sr, Sm‐Nd, Lu‐Hf
Basics of geochronology, model ages, crust-mantle fractionation, mantle recycling, lithophile
5. Radiogenic isotopes: Re‐Os, U‐Pb, Hf-W
Core - mantle fractionation, age of core formation, kappa conundrum, litho-sidero-chalcophile
6. Radiogenic isotopes: extinct isotope systems
26Al, 53Mn, 182W, 142Nd, 129I 244Pu and their very different stories – constraining early Earth
7. Radiogenic isotopes: Noble Gases and Stable isotopes
K/U, K-Ar, He/Ne/Ar, Xe isotopes, the He heat flow paradox; Li – recycling and weathering
8. Radiogenic isotopes: cosmogenic and subterranean production
surface dating, ocean water circulation, groundwater dating, calculating neutron fluxes and novel
applications of these data, radiogenic noble gases production
The composition and differentiation of the Earth: BSE, core, modern mantle and crust
9. The Primitive Mantle (BSE)
what do meteorites say? models for making the Earth, layering in the mantle, heat budget for the
Earth (K, Th & U), geoneutrinos and their constraints
10. The Core
Fe + Ni + light element(?), physical description, CMB & ICB temperatures, radiogenic heat, W & Pb
ages, geodynamo
11. The modern mantle
mantle melting, mantle geotherm, layering the mantle, sources of basalts, its domains: products of
early magma oceans or products of recycled slabs, recent news…
12. The Crust
oceanic vs continental, their masses and ages, growth of the continents, what is and isn’t a
continent, heat production and heat flow, the Moho: a poorly understood boundary, mass balances in
the BSE


1. Stars: birthplace of the elements (nucleosynthesis)
origin of the elements, fusion processes, types of stars, abundances of the elements
2. Meteorites and cosmochemical abundances
behavior of the elements, refractory vs volatile elements, the building blocks, ages of meteorites
3. Planetary accretion, differentiation, solar system
Accretion disks, assembling the Earth, planetary comparisons, Moon formation, core formation,
4. Radiogenic isotopes: Rb‐Sr, Sm‐Nd, Lu‐Hf
Basics of geochronology, model ages, crust-mantle fractionation, mantle recycling, lithophile
5. Radiogenic isotopes: Re‐Os, U‐Pb, Hf-W
Core - mantle fractionation, age of core formation, kappa conundrum, litho-sidero-chalcophile
6. Radiogenic isotopes: extinct isotope systems
26Al, 53Mn, 182W, 142Nd, 129I 244Pu and their very different stories – constraining early Earth
7. Radiogenic isotopes: Noble Gases and Stable isotopes
K/U, K-Ar, He/Ne/Ar, Xe isotopes, the He heat flow paradox; Li – recycling and weathering
8. Radiogenic isotopes: cosmogenic and subterranean production
surface dating, ocean water circulation, groundwater dating, calculating neutron fluxes and novel
applications of these data, radiogenic noble gases production
The composition and differentiation of the Earth: BSE, core, modern mantle and crust
9. The Primitive Mantle (BSE)
what do meteorites say? models for making the Earth, layering in the mantle, heat budget for the
Earth (K, Th & U), geoneutrinos and their constraints
10. The Core
Fe + Ni + light element(?), physical description, CMB & ICB temperatures, radiogenic heat, W & Pb
ages, geodynamo
11. The modern mantle
mantle melting, mantle geotherm, layering the mantle, sources of basalts, its domains: products of
early magma oceans or products of recycled slabs, recent news…
12. The Crust
oceanic vs continental, their masses and ages, growth of the continents, what is and isn’t a
continent, heat production and heat flow, the Moho: a poorly understood boundary, mass balances in
the BSE


Understanding geochemical processes on the Earth


Understanding geochemical processes on the Earth


1. Stars: birthplace of the elements (nucleosynthesis)
origin of the elements, fusion processes, types of stars, abundances of the elements
2. Meteorites and cosmochemical abundances
behavior of the elements, refractory vs volatile elements, the building blocks, ages of meteorites
3. Planetary accretion, differentiation, solar system
Accretion disks, assembling the Earth, planetary comparisons, Moon formation, core formation,
4. Radiogenic isotopes: Rb‐Sr, Sm‐Nd, Lu‐Hf
Basics of geochronology, model ages, crust-mantle fractionation, mantle recycling, lithophile
5. Radiogenic isotopes: Re‐Os, U‐Pb, Hf-W
Core - mantle fractionation, age of core formation, kappa conundrum, litho-sidero-chalcophile
6. Radiogenic isotopes: extinct isotope systems
26Al, 53Mn, 182W, 142Nd, 129I 244Pu and their very different stories – constraining early Earth
7. Radiogenic isotopes: Noble Gases and Stable isotopes
K/U, K-Ar, He/Ne/Ar, Xe isotopes, the He heat flow paradox; Li – recycling and weathering
8. Radiogenic isotopes: cosmogenic and subterranean production
surface dating, ocean water circulation, groundwater dating, calculating neutron fluxes and novel
applications of these data, radiogenic noble gases production
The composition and differentiation of the Earth: BSE, core, modern mantle and crust
9. The Primitive Mantle (BSE)
what do meteorites say? models for making the Earth, layering in the mantle, heat budget for the
Earth (K, Th & U), geoneutrinos and their constraints
10. The Core
Fe + Ni + light element(?), physical description, CMB & ICB temperatures, radiogenic heat, W & Pb
ages, geodynamo
11. The modern mantle
mantle melting, mantle geotherm, layering the mantle, sources of basalts, its domains: products of
early magma oceans or products of recycled slabs, recent news…
12. The Crust
oceanic vs continental, their masses and ages, growth of the continents, what is and isn’t a
continent, heat production and heat flow, the Moho: a poorly understood boundary, mass balances in
the BSE

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

Stars: birthplace of the elements (nu- cleosynthesis)
origin of the elements, fusion processes, types of stars, abundances of the elements
Meteorites and cosmochemical abun- dances
behavior of the elements, refractory vs volatile elements, the building blocks, ages of meteorites
Planetary accretion, differentiation, so- lar system
Accretion disks, assembling the Earth, planetary compar- isons, Moon formation, core formation
The isotope systems
Isotopes-radiogenic: lithophile: Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf
Basics of geochronology, model ages, crust-mantle fraction- ation, mantle recycling, lithophile systems
Isotopes-radiogenic: non-lithophile: Re-Os, U-Pb, Hf-W
Core - mantle fractionation, age of core formation, kappa conundrum, litho-sidero-chalcophile systems
Extinct radiogenic isotopes:
26Al, 53Mn, 182W, 142Nd, 129I 244Pu and their very different stories – constraining early Earth processes
Isotopes and element ratios: Noble Gases and Stable isotopes
K/U, K-Ar, He/Ne/Ar, Xe isotopes, the He heat flow para- dox; Li – recycling and weathering
Modern isotope production:
CR flux, surface dating, ocean water circulation, groundwa- ter dating, neutron fluxes and novel applications, radiogenic noble gases production
Earth’s composition and differentiation: BSE, core, modern mantle and crust
The Primitive Mantle (BSE)
what do meteorites say? models for making the Earth, layering in the mantle, heat budget for the Earth (K, Th & U), geoneutrinos and their constraints
The Core
Fe + Ni + light element(?), physical description, CMB & ICB temperatures, radiogenic heat, W & Pb ages, geody- namo
The modern mantle
mantle melting, mantle geotherm, layering the mantle, sources of basalts, its domains: products of early magma oceans or products of recycled slabs, recent news. . .
The Crust
oceanic vs continental, their masses and ages, growth of the continents, what is and isn’t a continent, heat production and heat flow, the Moho: a poorly understood boundary, mass balances in the BSE


Attending Points, Homeworks and Examination


Attending Points, Homeworks and Examination


To be announced



Preparation and review



Kakegawa will be coordinate this course. Contact kakegawa for more information.

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