
先端化学・生物化学特殊講義ⅠB / Round table discussion of the textbook on "solid state chemistry"

後期集中 その他 連講. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 高石 慎也. 学期/Semester: 後期集中. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SCH-INO702E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.


Coordination Chemistry Laboratory


Round table discussion of the textbook on "solid state chemistry"

Course Title

Round table discussion of the textbook on "solid state chemistry"


The purpose of this class is deeply understanding the electronic structures in the solid materials via round lecture of the textbook.


The purpose of this class is deeply understanding the electronic structures in the solid materials via round lecture of the textbook.


Understand the concept of band theory
Understand the spectroscopy
Understand the electriccal conductivity
Understand the reciptocal lattice


Understand the concept of band theory
Understand the spectroscopy
Understand the electriccal conductivity
Understand the reciptocal lattice


Students take turns previewing assigned portions of P.A. Cox's "The Electronic Structure and Chemistry of Solids" and discuss the contents.

1. Chapter 1: Introduction
2. Chapter 2: Spectroscopic Method
3. Chapter 3: Electronic energy levels and chemical bonding
4. Chapter 4: Elementary band theory

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

Students take turns previewing assigned portions of P.A. Cox's "The Electronic Structure and Chemistry of Solids" and discuss the contents.

1. Chapter 1: Introduction
2. Chapter 2: Spectroscopic Method
3. Chapter 3: Electronic energy levels and chemical bonding
4. Chapter 4: Elementary band theory


Grades will be evaluated based on attendance and a final report.


Grades will be evaluated based on attendance and a final report.


P.A.Cox: The electronic Structure and Chemistry of Solids

Books required/referenced

P.A.Cox: The electronic Structure and Chemistry of Solids


It is preferable to preview the contents beforehand.

Preparation and review

It is preferable to preview the contents beforehand.

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