
基礎化学実験(AMC) / Laboratory Experiments in Basic Chemistry

後期 月曜日 3講時 / 後期 火曜日 3講時 / 後期 水曜日 3講時 / 後期 木曜日 3講時 / 後期 金曜日 3講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員/Instructor : 豊田 耕三, 伊藤 優志, 道祖尾 恭之, 志賀 大亮, 髙岡 毅, 田口 真彦, 藤原 孝彰. 学期/Semester: 後期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SCH-OCH251E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


Laboratory of Fundamental Chemistry


Laboratory Experiments in Basic Chemistry

Course Title

Laboratory Experiments in Basic Chemistry


You learn experimental operations of basic inorganic chemistry, basic analytical chemistry, basic physical chemistry, and basic organic chemistry.


You learn experimental operations of basic inorganic chemistry, basic analytical chemistry, basic physical chemistry, and basic organic chemistry.


You can make fundamental experiments of basic inorganic chemistry, basic analytical chemistry, basic physical chemistry, and basic organic chemistry.


You can make fundamental experiments of basic inorganic chemistry, basic analytical chemistry, basic physical chemistry, and basic organic chemistry.


(1) Basic operations
Calibration of volumetric measuring instruments
(2) Titrations
Neutralization titration
Precipitation titration
Oxidation-reduction titration
Complexometric titration
Neutralization titration curves and acid dissociation constants of weak acids
(3) Analyses of absorption spectra using UV-vis spectrophotometer
(4) Measurement of enthalpy changes in neutralization and dissolving salts
(5) Syntheses of organic compounds
Synthesis of 6,6-nylon from cyclohexene
Synthesis of Aspirin

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

(1) Basic operations
Calibration of volumetric measuring instruments
(2) Titrations
Neutralization titration
Precipitation titration
Oxidation-reduction titration
Complexometric titration
Neutralization titration curves and acid dissociation constants of weak acids
(3) Analyses of absorption spectra using UV-vis spectrophotometer
(4) Measurement of enthalpy changes in neutralization and dissolving salts
(5) Syntheses of organic compounds
Synthesis of 6,6-nylon from cyclohexene
Synthesis of Aspirin


Evaluation will be performed by your attendance records and laboratory reports.


Evaluation will be performed by your attendance records and laboratory reports.


Textbooks (directions for the experiments) will be given in the class; other references are shown in the directions.

Books required/referenced

Textbooks (directions for the experiments) will be given in the class; other references are shown in the directions.


Read the textbook and draw a flow chart of the experiment, in advance.

Preparation and review

Read the textbook and draw a flow chart of the experiment, in advance.

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness


Telephone: 022-795-6606 (staff room): E-mail: kozo.toyota.d3@tohoku.ac.jp
主として実践的教育から構成される実務・実践的授業/Practical business 

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