
数学特別講義C / Jacobi's elliptic functions and its applications

前期集中 その他 連講. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 理学部非常勤講師. 学期/Semester: 前期集中. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SMA-MAT463J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects





Course Title

Jacobi's elliptic functions and its applications




Jacobi elliptic functions were introduced by Jacobi in 1829.
Although it has a history of about 200 years, it is not covered in high schools or even universities, so it can be said that there are almost no opportunities to learn about it these days.
On the other hand, in recent years there has been an active movement to use Jacobi's elliptic functions in the study of ordinary differential equations.
Therefore, in this intensive lecture, we will clarify properties of Jacobi's elliptic functions from the basics and explain how to apply them to differential equations.




Students are to use Jacobi's elliptic functions freely like trigonometric functions. Moreover, they are to use them in the study of ODEs.


(1) 完全楕円積分とヤコビの楕円関数.
(2) 非線形微分方程式と線形化固有値問題
(3) Lame方程式と固有値問題
(4) 定常解の安定性解析

(1) 第1種,第2種,第3種完全楕円積分とヤコビの楕円関数(sn関数,cn関数, dn関数)の定義やその基本的な性質を明らかにする.ヤコビの楕円関数は基本的には三角関数と似た性質を持っているが異なる性質もある.それらを正確に把握することが目標である.
(2) いくつかの非線形常微分方程式について,楕円関数を用いて解を具体的に表示する.それらの常微分方程式は特殊ではあるものの,アレン・カーン方程式やスカラーフィールド方程式(p=3のとき)やサイン・ポアソン方程式など,いくつかの重要なものが含まれており無視できない.また線形化固有値問題について紹介したい.
(3) (2)において線形化固有値問題がLame方程式で記述できることがわかった.ここでは,拡散係数が0となる極限(特異摂動)において,固有値がどのように振る舞うか,簡単な場合に固有値の漸近展開を導出する.
(4) シャドー系など非局所項をもつ方程式の定常解の安定性解析に楕円関数の手法が役立つことがある.ここではいくつかの具体的な場合において,(1)〜(3)で行ったことを総動員して安定性解析を行う.

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

(1) Complete elliptic integrals and Jacobi's elliptic functions
(2) Nonlinear ODEs and its linearization
(3) Lame equation and eigenvalues
(4) Stability analysis for stationary solutions

(1) We clarify fundamental solutions of complete elliptic integrals of first and second kinds and Jacobi's elliptic functions (sn-, cn- and dn- functions). They have similar properties as usual trigonometric functions, but some properties are different. Our aim is to recognize the differences.
(2) It is known that some solutions of ODEs can be written in terms of elliptic functions. These ODEs are specials, but the Allen-Cahn equation, scalar field equation and sine-Possion equation are included. Hence they cannot be ignored. We also study linearization problems.
(3) Using the Lame equation, we can unify linearized eigenvalue problems studied in (3). We consider the eigenvalues of linearized eigenvalue problems. In particular, we obtain an asymptotic formula of each eigenvalues as the diffusion coefficient tends to zero. (This problem is called a singular perturbation).
(4) Methods of elliptic functions are applicable to stability analysis of stationary solutions of nonlocal ODEs such as shadow systems. We perform stability analysis for several systems, using formulas studied in (1)-(3).




AA: 5%〜10%, A: about 30%(including AA), B: about 70%(including AA and A), others are C or D(not acceptable).


四ツ谷晶二・村井実 著『楕円関数と仲良くなろう』日本評論社



Preparation and review

It is difficult to prepare for the class, since there is no textbook written in Japanese. Therefore, students are required to make a thorough review, mainly by completing assignments. Students are assumed to solve ODEs, using Jacobi's elliptic functions after each class.

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