

後期 木曜日 3講時 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 福田 亘孝. 履修年度: 2024.

授業題目/Class subject

Advanced Social Statistics

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


Statistical analysis allows us to bridge theory and social facts at the macro and the micro levels by measuring and quantifying observable phenomena. This course covers the statistical tools needed to understand empirical sociological research and to plan and execute independent research projects. Topics include statistical inference, regression, generalized least squares, instrumental variables, simultaneous equations models, limited dependent variable, non-linear regression, panel-data analysis and multi-level analysis. The goal is to develop a solid theoretical background in intermediate-level statistics, implement the techniques, and critique empirical studies in quantitative sociology studies.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study


Goals of the course are:
(1) To improve the mastery of multiple regressions
(2) To understand multicolinearity, heteroscedasticity, and serial correlation
(3) To understand generalized liner models
(4) To be familiar with panel-data analysis and multi-level analysis
(5) To conduct statistical analysis with STATA

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

1  はじめに:計量分析の可能性と限界
2  指数型分布族と一般化線形モデル
3  尤度推定と統計量
4  正規線形モデル
5  STATA実習(1)    
6  二値変数の回帰分析
7  名義・順序変数の回帰分析   
8  STATA実習(2)    
9  ポアソン回帰   
10 生存時間分析   
11 STATA実習(3)  
12 制限従属変数モデル  
13 パネル・データの分析   
14 傾向スコアと因果分析  
15 マルチレベル分析

Week 1: General introduction to the class
Week 2: Review of linear regression with multiple regressors
Week 3: Heteroskedasticity, serial correlation and general least square estimation
Week 4: Instrumental variable regression
Week 5: Maximum likelihood estimation and asymptotical properties of estimator
Week 6: Exponential family and generalized linear models.
Week 7: Logistic regression and probit regression
Week 8: Multi-nominal regression and ordered logit regression
Week 9: Structural equation modelling
Week 10: Poisson regression and negative binomial regression
Week 11: Survival Analysis
Week 12: Analysis of limited dependent variable
Week 13: Panel data analysis
Week 14: Multi-level analysis
Week 15: Propensity score and causality

成績評価方法/Evaluation method


Class participation, attendance, and discussion (20%)
Mid-term and final exam (50%)
Problem sets (30%)

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

  • Econometric Analysis, Greene, W., Pearson Education (2011)
  • Eonometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, MIT Press (2010)
  • An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models, Dobson, A. J. & Barnett, A., Chapman and Hall/CRC (2008)
  • An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis, Agresti, A., Wiley-Interscience (2007)
  • Applied Survival Analysis, Hosmer, D. W. & Lemeshow, S., Wiley-Interscience (2008)
  • Propensity Score Analysis, Guo, S. & Fraser, M. W., Sage (2014)

授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review

★必要に応じてReading AssignmentとWriting Assignmentを課す

★Students read required texts accurately and write a brief summary of the reading before the class.
★Students thoroughly review topics dealt with in the class and acquire knowledge regarding social statistics.
★Each student prepares a research paper on a topic of interest in social statistics, and have to submit it by the end of the term.

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

その他/In addition

★This is NOT an introductory class.
★A high level of proficiency in English is required for this class.
★Students should complete required assignments before they attend the class.
★Students should attend the class with good manners.
★Students should be familiar with the basic elements of calculus and matrix algebra.
★The schedule of the class is a map, not a fixed train timetable, and it may be changed. Also, the grading method is subject to change.

★本授業科目は、日本社会学会、日本教育社会学会、日本行動計量学会が共同で設立した一般社団法人社会調査協会の定める「専門社会調査士のための必修科目」のうち、「I. 多変量解析に関する演習(実習)科目」として認定の申請を予定している授業科目である。社会調査士資格については、http://jasr.or.jp/を参照のこと。


【Office Hour】
Thursdays 14:50-15:20
Prior booking is required.

クラスコード gazwyu2

Google Classroom Class Code

関連資料の入手方法はgoogle classroomにおいて指示する。

This course is provided in a hybrid mode. Students mainly participate in a class online through Zoom or Google Meet. It may be conducted in person. All necessary information on joining this course online will be posted by email or on Google Classroom before the class.

 これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認