

前期 月曜日 6講時 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 有本 昌弘. 履修年度: 2024.

授業題目/Class subject

The 'innovative learning environment': definitions, frameworks, and cultural and social contexts.

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

In the midst of a rapidly changing world and the challenges of a declining local population, we learned from an overseas school that has been promoting systems thinking while collaborating with a pilot school after the earthquake. It starts from the premise that "people don't understand each other, and learners know more than they can tell", and that a series of assessments can create a curriculum that allows students and academics to grapple with the concepts of the future. Learning, not only in schools, but also in good citizenship and, more recently, in the workplace, will be examined through a rich conceptual framework of assessment and evaluation of 21st century competencies and their measurement through the organization of learners, teachers, content, resources, and components. Introduce systems thinking methodologies found in various disciplines (solar, mechanics, biology, water resources and ecology, socio-economics) into (subject) pedagogy to explore the possibility of a new kind of intellectual education, STEAM, that emphasizes subject matter and knowledge beyond subject matter. At the same time, the Japanese cultural code words will be used to clarify learning in the unique organization of the Japanese social culture. This will be done by re-analyzing past data.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study

To learn the framework of assessment outcomes, processes, and contexts from Anglo-Saxon and other countries, to carry out comparative research on educational assessment and innovation, including teachers' beliefs and identities, and to examine the application of assessment tool development, such as rubrics and coding. To acquire the skills to apply the development of assessment.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

第1回 講義のアウトライン、21世紀型コンピテンシーの説明とクライテリアの共有
第2回 ミニパフォーマンス課題と⽂脈・プロセスの共有(第1回)
第3回 定義 
第4回 〃 ILE 関連⽂献の購読
第5回 枠組みの文化的⽂脈からの読み直し 
第6回 〃 学習者・教師・コンテンツ・リソース・構成要素の組織の⽇本型への読み替え
第7回 〃 過去の学習理論と(⾏動主義、認知主義、社会構成主義、社会⽂化理論)
第8回 〃 日本の学校の「授業研究」実践
第9回 〃 社会実在論による社会構成主義批判
第10回 〃
第11回 〃⽂化・歴史的活動理論の検討
第12回 〃日本の文化的スクリプトからのアプローチ
第13回 〃
第14回 ミニパフォーマンス課題と⽂脈・プロセスの共有(第2回)
第15回 レポート提出とまとめ

1st Lecture outline, explanation of 21st century competencies and sharing of criteria
2nd Mini performance task and sharing context and process (1st)
3 Definitions 
4 Subscribe to ILE related literature.
5 Rereading the framework in its cultural context 
6 Rereading the learner-teacher-content-resource-component organization into the Japanese model.
7. Past learning theories and (behaviorism, cognitivism, social constructivism, social and cultural theories)
8. "Classroom research" practices in Japanese schools
9 Critique of social constructivism through social realism
Part 10 Culture and culture
11. Review of social and historical activity theory
12. Approach from Japanese cultural scripts
Part 13 Social and cultural history
14 Mini-performance task and sharing context and process (2nd)
15 Submission of report and summary

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

無断⽋席は2回までとする。パフォーマンス課題を複数回に分けたミニタスクによるレポート提出 (40%)、ルーブリック(採点指標)によるセルフ・ピアアセスメント(40%)、ポートフォリオの選択 (20%)とするが、これについては、意味のあるクライテリア(尺度や物差し)を受講⽣と探し、共有することに努める。
No more than two trespasses will be allowed. Performance tasks will consist of multiple mini-tasks (40%), self- and peer-assessment using rubrics (40%), and portfolio selection (20%), with an effort to find and share meaningful criteria (scales and measures) with students. We will try to find and share meaningful criteria with the students.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

    授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review

    BYOD によりTrello を用いて文献(書籍と論文)を指定し、関連文献等を探し出し、時間外学習の課題レポート作成を、時間外学修をより深めるミニパフォーマンス課題により行う。
    Using Trello by BYOD, students will specify literature (books and articles), find related literature, etc., and write a report on the overtime learning assignment by means of a mini-performance assignment that deepens the overtime learning.
    The time for re-analysis of data will be counted in the number of lecture sessions.

    実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

    ○ JICAベトナム派遣教育専門家、アフリカ・中南米(南アフリカ、ガーナ;ボリビア、ペルー)派遣教員向け講義
    Lecture for education experts dispatched by JICA Vietnam and teachers dispatched from Africa and Latin America (South Africa, Ghana; Bolivia, Peru)

    その他/In addition

    ・授業はGoogle Meetを使用し行う予定、その後、対面に移行。

    ((Google Classroom 0日(月)正午までに有本までDCメールにて連絡をするように(m.a@tohoku.ac.jp)。

    ((Google Classroom support)
    (1)Class Code ufl4ool 
    (2)The first class will be held from 6:00 p.m. on Monday, April 10
    (3)Classes will be held using Google Meet Then, transition to face-to-face.
    ((4) How to obtain related materials
    The materials for the class will be uploaded to the shared drive before the class starts (those who wish to attend will be invited).
    ((5) Measures for students who have difficulty in participating in online classes
    For students who have difficulty participating in the online class, please contact Arimoto via DC email by noon on Monday, April 10 (m.a@tohoku.ac.jp). .

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