

通年集中 その他 連講 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 劉 靖. 履修年度: 2024.

授業題目/Class subject

UNESCO Bangkok Internship

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

In this course, students can apply for the JASSO scholarship. Students may also receive financial grants from the Graduate School.

本科目は全コースの博士前期課程の学生は対象とする専門基盤科として、東北大学院教育学研究科とユネスコバンコク事務所・アジア太平洋地域教育局(以下、ユネ スコバンコク事務所)の学術交流協定に基づき、大学院教育学研究科に所属する学生をユネスコバンコク事務所に6ヶ月間インターンシップとして派遣するプログラムである。インターンシッププログラムでは、国際的な教育に関する 諸領域(政策、実践、調査研究等)においてユネスコが有する豊富な知見に触れながら、ユネスコバンコク事務所が展開する事業の業務補助を行います。インターンシップを通して、ユネスコバンコク事務所の事業に関わる業務補助を体験した上、履修学生は国際教育協力や国際機関の業務への理解を深め、国際機関の業務に必要な知識およびスキルを理解することを目的とする。

Based on the academic exchange agreement between Tohoku Univesity Graduate School of Education and UNESCO Bangkok Office, Regional Education Office for Asia and the Pacific (hereinafter referred to as UNESCO Bangkok Office), students of the Graduate School of Education are dispatched to UNESCO Bangkok Office for six months as interns. The internship program is based on an academic exchange agreement between UNESCO Bangkok Office and the Graduate School of Education. During the internship program, students will be exposed to UNESCO's wealth of knowledge in various areas related to international education (policy, practice, research, etc.), while assisting with the work of projects developed by the UNESCO Bangkok Office. Through the internship, students will gain experience in assisting UNESCO Bangkok Office projects, deepen their understanding of international educational cooperation and the work of international organizations, and gain an understanding of the knowledge and skills required for the work of international organizations.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study


1. To understand the business of international organizations (especially UNESCO) through internship.
2. To understand the operations of international organizations through the internship by experiencing the operations of international organizations.
3. Tp acquire English language skills, multicultural understanding and adaptability, and practical skills through the internship.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

帰国後、インターンシップの経験などについて、発表会やAsia Education Leader Forumで発表を行う。

This course will consist of the following
1. Pre-study
Pre-study (about 3 sessions*, 90 minutes per session) based on the pre-study materials related to the international organization hosting the internship (lectures by faculty members of the Graduate School and experts from international organizations).

2.Internship (6 months)
Internship based on the work of the host institution.

3. Post-program learning
After returning to Japan, students will give a presentation on their internship experience at a presentation meeting and at the Asia Education Leader Forum.

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

1.毎月活動報告の提出(50%)Submission of Monthly Report (50%)
2.帰国後、インターンシップ活動報告(A4用紙 5000字)(20%)After return to Japan, submission of final internship report (A4, 5,000 words)
3.帰国後、インターンシップ報告会にて報告を行う(30%)(After return to Japan, a report session on internship experience)

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

    その他/In addition

    1. Google classroom code:zkabzyd
    2. 興味のある学生がぜひ4月10日(水)(17:00-18:00)の説明会に参加してください。Students who have interersts in this internship program, please join the orientation on April 10 (17:00-18:00) 説明会場所:801号室 Orientation venue:Room 801
    3. 問合せ先:グローバル共生教育論コース 准教授 劉靖 (jing.liu.e8@tohoku.ac.jp) For inquiries: please contact Associat Professor Jing Liu (jing.liu.e8@tohoku.ac.jp)

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