

前期 火曜日 5講時 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 有本 昌弘. 履修年度: 2024.

授業題目/Class subject

Educational assessment: its concepts, framework, and research methods

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

・Google Classroom のクラスコード:u6opurf

The discipline of educational assessment has been growing rapidly in recent years, and is an interdisciplinary field where the fields of educational psychology, inclusive education, and educational technology intersect with the applied science of pedagogy. This lecture will review the trends and background of the field, and without narrowing the scope of study, will provide a method to solidify the foundation of assessment and its application in Japan according to the products, processes and context.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study

Deep understanding of assessment concepts that seek truth, truthfulness, accuracy, and fairness while being rooted in everyday life. Find a framework for learners to realize the knowledge and skills to interact with teams, humanity and values, and meta-learning through reflection and feedback, with a flexible mindset to grow in today's rapidly changing and complex world. Also deepen our understanding of the interface with generative AI.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

・授業の実施方法:Meet を用いた双方向授業(1 回~2回)。Meet 等での会議の実施方法について Classroom で紹介
・その後対面方式(3~15 回)(306教室)
・関連資料の入手方法:授業用の資料は Classroom や教室で紹介
(m.a@tohoku.ac.jp へ連絡のこと)

第 1回 講義のアウトライン、これまでの学⽣のワークによるクライテリアの共有
第 2回 鍵概念
第 3回  〃
第 4回 ミニパフォーマンス課題による⽂脈・プロセスの共有(初回)
第 5回 枠組み
第 6回   〃
第 7回 パフォーマンス課題の共有と振り返り(中間)
第 8回 研究方法論
第 9回   〃     ⾃然現象、社会現象※とシステム思考からの「つながり」
第10回   〃     教育課程における教科・領域、課程外の「つながり」
第11回   〃     個⼈の⼈格統合に向けた発達成⻑の「つながり」と改善
第12回   〃     ⽣徒と教職員など⼈との関係の「つながり」と絆、関係
第13回   〃     「型」と社会的⽂脈の中の個⼈の「つながり」と気付き
第14回   〃     ⽇本の⽂化の諸刃の剣と、国際教育協⼒への活⽤
第15回 パフォーマンス課題の振り返り(最終回)

First class: Start time: Tuesday, October 12, 4th period: 14:40- ・Method of class: Interactive class using Meet (once or twice)
Method of class: Interactive class using Meet (once or twice); introduction in Classroom on how to conduct meetings using Meet, etc.
After that, face-to-face classes (3-15 times) (Classroom 306 (timetable and changes from Classroom 201 above); subsequent classrooms to be announced separately)
However, if there is a risk of coronary infections due to the participation of overseas students or the seasonal increase of other infectious diseases such as influenza, we will switch to online.
However, if there is a risk of coronary infection, we will switch to online.
How to deal with students who have difficulty in dealing with online classes: Individual consultation
How to handle students who have difficulty in face-to-face classes: Individual consultation
(Please contact m.a@tohoku.ac.jp.)

1. Outline of the lecture, sharing of criteria based on work done by students so far.
2. Key concepts
3. The key concepts
4. Sharing context and process through mini performance tasks (first time)
5. Framework
6. Framework
7. Sharing and reflecting on performance tasks (mid-term)
8. Research Methodology
9. "Connections" between natural and social phenomena* and systems thinking
10. "Connections" between subjects/areas in the curriculum and outside the curriculum
11. "Connections" and improvement in the period of achievement towards humanistic integration
12. "Connections", bonds and relationships between students and staff and other human beings
13. Personal 'connections' and awareness within the 'pattern' and social context
14. The double-edged sword of Japanese culture and its use in international educational cooperation
15. Reflection on performance tasks (final)

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

無断⽋席は2回までとする。パフォーマンス課題を複数回に分けたミニタスクによるレポート提出 (40%)、ルーブリック(採点指標)によるセルフ・ピアアセスメント(40%)、ポートフォリオの選択 (20%)とするが、これについては、意味のあるクライテリア(尺度や物差し)を受講⽣と探し、共有することに努める。

No more than two trespasses will be allowed. Performance tasks will consist of multiple mini-tasks (40%), self- and peer-assessment using rubrics (40%), and portfolio selection (20%), with an effort to find and share meaningful criteria (scales and measures) with students. We will try to find and share meaningful criteria with the students.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

    授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review

    講義する側からは、文献からビデオを含めアセスメントタスクをいくつか用意する。これを時間外学習で取り組みその成果を講義の中でもちよる。そのために、講義する側は、教育アセスメント用のアプリにて、クイズやオープンエンド型の設問によりフィードバックを行うので、受講する側は、BYOD により、指定された文献(書籍と論文)のみにとどまらず、英語関連文献により掘り下げる。
    The lecturer will prepare several assessment tasks, including videos from literature. Students will work on these tasks in their extra time and bring the results to the lecture. For this purpose, the lecturer will provide feedback through quizzes and open-ended questions in the application for educational assessment, and the students will use BYOD to explore not only the specified literature (books and articles) but also English-related literature.

    実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

    ○ JICAベトナム派遣教育専門家、アフリカ・中南米(南アフリカ、ガーナ;ボリビア、ペルー)派遣教員向け講義
    Lecture for education experts dispatched to Vietnam by JICA and teachers dispatched from Africa and Latin America (South Africa, Ghana; Bolivia, Peru)

    その他/In addition


    対面で行う場合でも、個人保有の携帯用機器を教室に持ち込み、それを授業に使用する BYOD (Bring your own device、ビーワイオーディ)で行う。

    Based on the number of students, we will join the undergraduate educational assessment lecture only for the first and last sessions. The undergraduate students will be separated from the graduate class in order to focus on the task of actually creating quizzes and games in line with the 17 SDG goals.

    Even in face-to-face sessions, students will bring their own portable devices into the classroom and use them for class BYOD (Bring your own device).

     これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認