
Edu-fare/fair Mind(English)

後期前半 水曜日 1講時 総合研究棟801演習室. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員/Instructor: 劉 靖, その他教員, 松本 大. 履修年度: 2024.

授業題目/Class subject

Edu-fare/fair Mind for a sustainable world

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

Based on the principles of "Education for fairness" and "Education for welfare," the Graduate School of Education offers the "Edufair Mind" course (in Japanese), in which students think about the role and nature of education to create a "fair and inclusive society" through dialogue with researchers in various research fields, and develop the qualities necessary for research and the research qualities, knowledge, and skills required to respond to educational issues.

In this course, students will work with researchers and practitioners from Japan and abroad in an interdisciplinary and "Glocal" manner that focuses on the "Fairness×Welfare" of education in the areas of adult education, school education, international educational development, higher education, and multicultural conviviality. Each session will include a lecture by speakers and an interactive discussion between students and speakers.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study

Goals of course are to enable students to:
(1) deepen their understanding of meaning of fairness/welfare in education and social change
(2) hold a comparative perspective on issues of fairness/welfare in education in a glocal context
(3) widen their vision on research design in education for fairness/welfare
(4) understand fairness/welfare in education through an interdisciplinary perspective

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

In principle, this course will be conducted in person. If there is a shift to online class, the announcement will be made in advance.

Session 1 Orientation

Session 2 International Education and Develpment for Sustainability (by Dr. Jing Liu, Tohoku University)

Session 3 Network governance, policy network, leadership and public education reform (Philip Wing Keung Chan, Monash University)

Session 4 Adult Education & Lifelong Learning (Dr. Dai Matsumoto, Tohoku University)

Session 5 Internationalization of Higher Education (Dr. Yuki Watabe, Tohoku University)

Session 6 Higher Education for Sustainable Development (Dr. Tamara Savelyeva, The Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development)

Session 7 International Education (Dr. Kazuko Suematsu, Tohoku University)

Session 8 Human Rights Education (Dr. Mino Takahashi, Tohoku University)

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

Students will be evaluated from the following perspectives,

1. Participation and engagement (30%)
2. Discussion & presentation (40%)
3. Weekly Reflection Paper (30%)

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

    授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review

    1. The session time is limited, and therefore self-directed learning is essential. Students are encouraged to prepare and review for each class by individuals and groups.
    2. Students are encouraged to collect information and topics related to the class’s content using newspapers, books, the internet, and other resources.

    その他/In addition

    1. Google Class code: qlwoqek
    2. The 1st session will start at 8:50 on October 2, 2024. Those who plan to take course, please contact Dr. Jing Liu by jing.liu.e8@tohoku.ac.jp by October 1, 2024.
    3. In principle, this course will be conducted in person. Special arrangement can be provided based on request/consultation with Dr. Jing Liu in advance.
    4. Office hour: Wednesday 10:30-12:00, appointment is required.
    5. Email of the coordinator of the course: Dr. Jing Liu. jing.liu.e8@tohoku.ac.jp

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